How Long Does it Take for Eyebrows to Grow Back

How Long Does it Take for Eyebrows to Grow Back?

How Long Does it Take for Eyebrows to Grow Back
How Long Does it Take for Eyebrows to Grow Back

Our eyebrows play an important role in our appearance and expressions. Also, they determine the aura of a person. Eyebrow trends have changed drastically over the years from sleek and skinny eyebrows a few decades back to full eyebrows in the past few years.

Similarly, full eyebrows are preferred in 2023 which raises concerns for people whose eyebrows are falling. So, are you also one of them and your eyebrows are thinning out? If yes, let us find the cause in this article.

Additionally, we will talk about how long does it take for eyebrows to grow back and what can you do to make them grow back quickly and thicker.

Table of Contents:

  • Part 1: Why Are My Eyebrows Falling Out?
  • Part 2: Do Eyebrows Grow Back?
  • Part 3: Do eyebrows grow back after shaving?
  • Part 4: How Long Does it Take for Eyebrows to Grow Back?
  • Part 5: How to Make Eyebrows Thicker?

Part 1: Why Are My Eyebrows Falling Out?
Why Are My Eyebrows Falling Out
Why Are My Eyebrows Falling Out

If your eyebrows are getting thin, the first thing is to look for the reason because that is how you can prevent and treat this.


Genetics determine the facial features along with the thickness of the eyebrows and their thinning as well.

So, check out how the eyebrows of your parents look. If they are thin with sparse hair, you have the answer to your eyebrows falling out.


Hair follicles regress with aging because of the changes in the concentration of progesterone and estrogen in the body with menopause.

So, if you are over 50 years old, the falling of eyebrows is natural.

Too Much Plucking

Three methods used for grooming eyebrows are threads, shaving, and waxing. While shaving does not harm the brows, plucking them out of the roots can traumatize the hair follicles.

Follicles regress and at times are destroyed by over-plucking. In such cases, the hair falls out.

Medical Disorders

Health disorders, especially those associated with skin can cause eyebrows to fall out. These include eczema, psoriasis, and skin infections.

In addition, thyroid disorders, leprosy, lupus, and alopecia areata can also cause hair fall on the eyebrows and eyebrow thinning.


Trauma to the eyebrows either caused by an eyebrow grooming blade or an injury in the eyebrow region can cause eyebrow hair thinning in the traumatized part.

It is especially true if the injury is not healed properly.


Stress also affects the hair follicles and makes them dormant gradually. It is commonly related to the alopecia on the head. However, if the stress is chronic, eyebrow hair can also be affected.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Hair needs nutrition to grow and flourish. When the follicles are deprived of nutrition like iron, biotin, and vitamins, the hair growth of the eyebrows is affected adversely.

Part 2: Do Eyebrows Grow Back?

Of course, eyebrows do grow back. However, the rate of growth differs depending on the underlying health condition.

Furthermore, the rate of eyebrow hair growth is much slower as compared to the hair on the scalp. So, eyebrows completely shaven or plucked can take 3-6 months to regrow back.

Factors Influencing Eyebrow Hair Growth

The factors influencing hair growth on the eyebrows are given as.

  • Hair removal method: If eyebrows are groomed with a razor, they will grow back quickly. However, eyebrow hair regrowth can be slower if you pluck them out.
  • Lifestyle habits: Lifestyle habits like smoking, alcohol, and unhealthy diet affect the hair growth rate. In contrast, a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein fastens up eyebrow hair growth.
  • Hormonal changes: Women with high levels of estrogen tend to grow eyebrow hair quicker as compared to women with high levels of progesterone. This is the reason why eyebrow hair can come back in post-menopausal women on estrogen replacement therapy.
  • Stress: Stress slows down eyebrow hair growth by interfering with the blood supply to hair follicles.
  • Environment: Dust, smoke, and other pollutants in the environment slow down the production of protein in the body and thus eyebrows.

Part 3: Do eyebrows grow back after shaving?

Yes, eyebrows grow back after shaving. This is the reason why eyebrow shaving is one of the most common methods of shaping the brows. Also, eyebrows grow back even if they are shaved off completely.

Myth In the 1900s

Before the 1900s, it was a common misconception that hair does not grow back after shaving or being waxed. However, this was proved wrong in 1999 when a study was conducted to compare the effects of shaving on the eyebrows.

Clarifying the Myth in the 2000s

This study concluded that eyebrows are completely grown back within 4 to 6 months after shaving them. In another study conducted in 2015, it was concluded that the eyebrows grow back normally after they are shaved.

However, the growth rate is affected by health, medical disorders, and infections. Also, you can find the best eyebrow razors and trimmers here.

Part 4: How Long Does it Take for Eyebrows to Grow Back?
How Long Does it Take for Eyebrows to Grow Back
How Long Does it Take for Eyebrows to Grow Back

Let us first talk about the hair growth cycle on the eyebrows to determine how long does it take for eyebrows to grow back completely once they are removed.

Phases of Hair Growth Cycle

The eyebrow hair cycle, just like hair on any part of the body is divided into these phases, growth, transition, and resting. The details are given as

  • Anagen: In this phase, eyebrow hair grows actively starting from the hair follicle and coming out of the skin. It takes 4 to 6 weeks for completion.
  • Catagen: In this phase, the hair appears to become longer as they are coming on the surface because of the shrinking of the follicles. However, there is no active growth. This phase takes about 3 to 4 weeks.
  • Telogen: In the 3rd phase, the fully grown hair moves towards falling out of the follicle, and new hair replaces it. You can expect it to last 4 to 8 weeks.

Average Time for Eyebrow Hair to Grow Back

Therefore, if your hair growth cycle is fast, it will take 3 months for the eyebrow hair to grow back. On the other hand, eyebrow hair takes 5 to 6 months if the cycle is slow.

Part 5: How to Make Eyebrows Thicker?
How to Make Eyebrows Thicker
Here are some techniques to grow the eyebrows quicker and thicker.

Home Remedies:

Home remedies for eyebrow hair growth focus on nourishing the brows. These are given as

  • Oils: The oils you use for hair growth on the scalp are equally effective for the eyebrows. Be it castor oil or coconut oil.
  • Aleo Vera: Aleo vera is a rich source of magnesium and calcium. Both of these minerals are effective for fuller eyebrows.
  • Eyebrow Serums: Several eyebrow serums are available in the market with well-regulated proportions of ingredients that can make eyebrows thicker,

Care for Eyebrows:

Taking proper care of your health can benefit the eyebrows as well. So, here are some lifestyle changes for thicker eyebrows.

  • Nourishing Products: Start using products that contain vitamin E, Vitamin C, biotin, lipids, and peptides for the eyebrows to improve their health.
  • Take Supplements: Do not only treat the eyebrows topically but nourish them from the inside as well. So, biotin, zinc, and iron supplements can be helpful.
  • Balanced Diet: Give up on unhealthy meals and replace them with fruits, vegetables, and meats full of vitamins, minerals, and proteins for thicker eyebrows.

Tips and Tricks:

Here are some tips and tricks for getting thick eyebrows.

  • Do Not Pluck Them: Plucking the eyebrow hair affects the hair follicle in a way that gives rise to finer hair. So, stop waxing, tweezing, and threading the eyebrows if you want them to stay thick.
  • Use a Razor for Grooming: While ungroomed eyebrows were a trend this year, shave the unwanted hair if you want perfectly shaved brows. Also, learn how to get rid of a unibrow.
  • Minoxidil: Minoxidil is a drug used to treat scalp alopecia. However, it can also be used for eyebrows after consultation with a dermatologist.
  • Latisse: Latisse is an eyelash growth serum backed by science. It contains bimatoprost and is helpful for eyebrows as well.

Improving Appearance:

While you wait for the remedies given above to work, here are some methods to make them appear thicker.

  • Eyebrow Pencil: Eyebrow pencils that match your eyebrow color can effectively fill up the gaps of the fallen hair and make the brows look thicker.
  • Eyebrow Gel: Eyebrow gel is a waterproof product that is used to set the eyebrows appropriately and make them appear fuller.
  • Eyebrow Comb: Comb eyebrow hair upwards in a way that the hair you have fills the gaps.


The nature, thickness, shape, and other features of eyebrows are greatly determined by genes. However, hormonal factors, lifestyle, diseases, physiological processes like aging, and trauma can make them thin out.

But it is nothing to worry about because eyebrows can grow back within 3 to 6 months when proper measures are followed. Therefore, we discussed ways to make your eyebrows grow back thicker along with remedies to make them appear better.

Also, learn about eyebrow mapping according to your face shape and more here.

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