How to Remove Hair on Tattooed Skin Safely

How to Remove Hair on Tattooed Skin Safely (5 Ways)

For tattoo enthusiasts, it is a special feeling to see beautiful artistic designs on your skin. However, there are several things to bear in mind when tattooing your skin; one of them is how to get rid of hair on tattooed skin.

If you are hairy and your tattoo is drawn in areas where hair grows, then it is important to know how to remove the hair safely. You don’t want to make a mess of the beautiful art work on your skin! Moreover, you have spent time, money, and even bore some pain just to have it.

In this comprehensive article, I’m going to guide you on how to remove hair on tattooed skin safely. Is using laser treatment safe for tattoos? Let’s find out 5 ways to go about the process.

5 Ways to Remove Hair on Tattooed Skin

Using any of the hair removal procedures below is a safe method for getting rid of hair on tattooed skin:

  1. Electric Trimmer

My number one safest method of removing hair from tattooed skin is using an electric trimmer. Simply get a clean, sharp trimmer designed for body hair, and carefully trim the hair on your tattoo. To avoid or minimize any form of irritation, you should trim in the direction of hair growth.

Depending on the length of hair on your tattoo, you should adjust the trimmer guard accordingly for a perfect job. Once you are done with the trimming and are satisfied with your work, apply alcohol-free lotion for soothing relief. Remember that trimming hair on tattooed skin is a sensitive process. Hence, always clean your trimmer before and after use to prevent infections.

  1. Using a Manual Razor

In the absence of an electric trimmer, a razor can also do the job cleanly. If you want a smoother shave, use a razor that comes with multiple blades. That way, you can get rid of subtle hair around tattoos.

To begin the hair removal process on tattooed skin using a razor, first apply a thick layer of shaving cream to the affected area. This will help lubricate the skin and make the whole process easier for you. Afterwards, start shaving in the direction of hair growth, and rinse the razor at close intervals as you shave. Since your goal is to remove hair on tattooed skin safely, avoid going over the same area multiple times so as not to mess things up.

Finally, rinse with cold water and apply a soothing after-shave moisturizer.

  1. Waxing

Waxing is the process of getting rid of unwanted hair on your skin. The process involves applying wax on your skin and peeling it off. That way, you peel off the hair together with the wax. To be honest, I was skeptical about this method until I saw it done firsthand. However, you want to wait for at least a month or two after getting your tattoo before considering waxing.

Before waxing the tattooed area, I always advise people to apply a thin layer of oil. This will make the process  more efficient and less painful. I prefer to use hard wax to strip wax, because it is milder on the skin. Lastly, just like the other methods listed above, apply a soothing gel like aloe vera after the whole process.

  1. Using an Epilator

An epilator is an electric device for getting rid of unwanted hair on the skin. This device works by grasping multiple hairs at the same time and pulling them out. While this can be considered a safe way of removing hair on tattooed skin, you don’t want to use it on a new tattoo. I suggest you wait at least two months after getting your tattoos.

To use an epilator on a tattooed area, always use the lowest speed setting. Hold the device at a right angle (90 degrees) to the skin and use it against the direction of hair growth. To get the best result from using an epilator to remove hair on tattooed skin, you need to stretch your skin slightly. Don’t go for long pulls, instead, use in short, steady strokes.

  1. Hair Removal Cream

I decided to have this method last on my list of hair removal methods for tattooed skin because a lot of people would disagree. I understand quite well why people wouldn’t want this method – that’s because they believe that all hair removal creams are harsh and can damage the tattoos. This is not entirely true! There are creams formulated for sensitive skin. However, before you use any hair removal cream on tattooed skin, always do a 24-hour patch test. If the cream is good for your skin, good. If not, stay away from it.

When using hair removal cream on tattooed skin, if you can, avoid direct contact with the tattoo. Also, after applying the cream, you should leave it on your skin for only about 5 minutes before wiping it off with a damp cloth. Thereafter, rinse thoroughly with cool water and apply moisturizer.

Safety Precautions When Removing Hair on Tattooed Skin

Removing hair on tattooed skin is a sensitive procedure. Therefore, you need to keep a few precautions in mind. Check them out below:

  • Before trying to remove hair from skin with tattoos, make sure your tattoo is completely healed. For me, 2 months after getting a tattoo is the shortest period to wait.
  • While hair removal cream can be used safely, there are a lot of things to be mindful of when using this removal method. Don’t use it on infected or inflamed skin, and always do a patch test on a non-tattooed area to be sure it is okay with your skin.
  • Avoid using any product that contains alcohol on the tattooed area.
  • Stop any method you choose to use immediately if you feel any discomfort or bleeding.

Final thoughts

You can remove hair on tattooed skin safely by choosing one of the methods listed above. However, while these methods are considered safe, you still need to be careful and observant during the removal process. You should stop immediately if you notice any irritation, bleeding, or excessive pain.

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