IPL vs. Pumice Stone Hair Removal - ulikeofficial

IPL vs. Pumice Stone Hair Removal

The growth of unwanted body hair is common these days due to many factors like reactions to steroids, higher levels of hormones, PCOD, etc. Many people out there are searching for different ways of getting rid of unwanted hair. Earlier people used the pumice stone hair removal method to get rid of unwanted body hair. However, with the advancement in technology laser hair removal and IPL hair removal methods have become more common. These methods provide long-term results and are certainly expensive as compared to other DIY hair removal techniques like pumice stone hair removal.

Read further to get the details of the two different hair removal techniques i.e., pumice stone hair removal and IPL hair removal.

Part 1: Pumice Stone Hair Removal

Pumice stone is a rock-like structure that is readily available in the market. It is one of the most inexpensive and the best products used for exfoliating different body parts. Now, you might be thinking about how to use a pumice stone for hair removal. Pumice stone hair removal is considered the old-school DIY method for the removal of unwanted body hair.

Steps of using a pumice stone for hair removal:

  • Moisten your skin with warm water and make a lather of your favorite soap; this softens the hard hair follicles.
  • Now, take the pumice stone and start rubbing it on the skin in a circular motion with a little pressure to remove the dead skin cells and effective hair removal.
  • Repeat this step, twice or thrice to get effective results. However, if you start experiencing any irritation on your skin, immediately stop the process.
  • Clean your skin with normal water and repeat the process twice or thrice a week to remove your unwanted hair completely.
  • Moisturize your skin properly after using this technique to avoid irritation and rashes on the skin.

Note: Pumice stone hair removal is a low procedure and can take a few days or weeks to provide effective results. Moreover, the results might vary from person to person.


  • Avoid using a pumice stone on sensitive areas like the face and private parts.
  • Don’t share or use others’ pumice stone.
  • Ensure to moisturize your skin properly to prevent reddishness.
  • Post-treatment care is very necessary after using a pumice stone to avoid irritation on sensitive skin.

Part 2: IPL Hair Removal

Advancement in technology has introduced techniques like laser hair removal and IPL hair removal. These laser techniques are much expensive and are not affordable by many people out there. On the other hand, IPL hair removal is easy to use and provides long-lasting results. You can do it yourself at home using various IPL devices available in the market. They are so easy to use, can be used on various body parts, and are less painful that they can replace traditional hair removal techniques like waxing, shaving, etc.

Now, the question arises how do IPL devices work? IPL means Intense Pulse Light; hence, it uses intense light radiations for skin treatment and hair removal. The heat of the light works on the hair follicles and makes them inactive; therefore, providing long-lasting results. However, the results and effectiveness of IPL hair removal may vary from person to person. It can work on varied skin and hair colors with a few exceptional cases. However, it works best on light skin with dark-colored hair as the laser beam treats the pigment of the hair to destroy hair follicles.

Steps of using IPL for hair removal:

  • Initially, remove all the visible hair from the surface of the skin. You can remove your unwanted hair either by waxing or shaving at the initial stage.
  • Take the IPL device and fix the nozzle/attachment as per your need.
  • Adjust the light beam intensity according to your convenience.
  • Check and ensure that your device is working correctly.

Note: Results of IPL treatment are not visible immediately. Adjust the frequency of the treatment as per your needs.


  • Ensure to read the instructions and follow the guidelines carefully before starting the procedure to avoid side effects.
  • Clean the nozzle/attachment properly after every use.
  • For sensitive areas, make sure to do a patch test first.
  • Make sure to follow the aftercare guidelines properly.

Why is IPL better?

Despite having limitations, IPL is better than pumice hair removal in various aspects. The following points will help you to understand the importance of IPL over pumice stone hair removal:

  • IPL devices come with various attachments for the treatment of complex body parts, whereas you cannot use a pumice stone on various curves and sensitive areas.
  • Pumice stone hair removal is not suitable for people with sensitive skin as it can cause irritation and rashes on the skin. On the other hand, various nozzles and attachments of the IPL device make it easy to glide on any body part.
  • Pumice stone hair removal is a very painful procedure with short-term benefits, whereas the use of an IPL device provides long-lasting results without causing any pain. Moreover, it gives you the advantage of adjusting the intensity of the light beam according to your convenience.
  • Pumice stone hair removal never restricts the growth of hair, while IPL treatment deactivates the hair follicles. Hence, IPL treatment results in long-lasting hair reduction.


While women are becoming more conscious about their skin and personal hygiene, technology has made the process of hair removal easier. The days of using home remedies and pumices stones for unwanted hair removal are gone and these home remedies are now replaced by laser technology. IPL devices might look expensive when compared to purchasing a pumice stone, but the results are highly satisfactory. Regular IPL treatment reduces hair growth and makes hair finer and less visible on the surface of the skin. It is safe for all skin types and provides visible results on various body parts like the face, arms, underarms, legs, neck, private parts, etc.

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