Tumor Treatment Process Causes Excessive Hair Growth - ulikeofficial
hair removal

Tumor Treatment Process Causes Excessive Hair Growth

Medical Problems are more prevalent in the present times and among all, tumor is becoming very common. A tumor is an abnormal growth of tissue. Too much growth of tissue can cause numerous problems...
What you need to know about hypertrichosis - ulikeofficial
hair removal

What you need to know about hypertrichosis

Unwanted body hair is an annoying problem for many. Some people are hairier than others which is one thing, but some of us have a rare condition known as hypertrichosis or werewolf syndrome. Now, t...
Can People with Werewolf Syndrome Perform their own Hair Removal? - ulikeofficial
hair removal

Can People with Werewolf Syndrome Perform their own Hair Removal?

Many people face the problem of unwanted hair on their bodies. But today we are going to talk about a rare and extreme condition of hair growth on a person’s body. This medical issue is named werew...
The Best Hair Removal Method for Tumor Patients - ulikeofficial
hair removal

The Best Hair Removal Method for Tumor Patients

Tumor patients face many challenges related to their treatment and care. One such challenge is hair removal. As there are so many people around who have no clue about what to do with tumor with hai...
Hair removal before tumor surgery - ulikeofficial
hair removal

Hair removal before tumor surgery

The hair removal task can be more challenging if you are suffering from a tumor. Because you can’t just pick any method like waxing, laser, or another method for removing hair as it may cause infec...
Full body hair removal in a more private way for PCOS - ulikeofficial
hair removal

Full body hair removal in a more private way for PCOS

“How can I manage excessive facial hair due to PCOS?” -- Quora  Women who are dealing with the PCOS issue also face excessive unwanted hair growth problems. Both the things contribute to lowering t...
What you need to know about PCOS - ulikeofficial
hair removal

What you need to know about PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a major health issue (related to a female reproductive organ) for a woman. About six to ten percent of women worldwide are facing this which results in infertility in m...
5 Ways to remove hair during treatment for PCOS - ulikeofficial
hair removal

5 Ways to remove hair during treatment for PCOS

“I have PCOS and I have a lot of hairs on my face. I can't go for expensive treatment and home remedies won't work for me. Should I shave my face?” --Quora Many women are getting confused and havin...
How to do facial and hand hair removal fast - ulikeofficial
Facial hair removal

How to do facial and hand hair removal fast

Hirsutism is one of the most emotionally distressing conditions that a woman has to face because of hormonal issues. Now you might have wondered what hirsutism is. It is a medical condition in whic...