5 Best Homemade Sugar Wax Recipes for DIY

5 Best Homemade Sugar Wax Recipes for DIY

5 Best Homemade Sugar Wax Recipes for DIY

When people started waxing years ago in Ancient Egypt, they did not use hard wax or strips; rather, a sticky sugar mixture was their solution to unwanted hair growth on the body and the face.

Even at this time when hundreds of waxing products are available on the market, sugar wax can prove to be a less painful, more affordable, super feasible, and gentler hair removal method to try at home.

As the name indicates, sugar is the basic ingredient of sugar wax. Let’s find out what other ingredients you can add to it to make your own DIY sugar wax recipe.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: What is Sugar Waxing?

Sugar waxing or sugaring is a homemade candy-like paste having a thick consistency and sticky texture made mainly using sugar, lemon, and water. With its origin in the time of Cleopatra and its use of all-natural ingredients, sugaring is still a popular choice for hair removal.

The sticky consistency of sugar enables it to adhere to the hair and then such hair is removed from the roots by pulling the sugaring material off.

Sugar Waxing Vs. Other Methods of Hair Removal

Let us see why countless methods of hair removal have failed to replace sugaring.

Sugar Waxing Vs. Regular Wax

Both of these methods remove hair from the roots. DIY sugar wax is made of natural ingredients while cosmetic wax contains synthetic ingredients. Regular wax needs to be heated when it is applied while a sugaring mixture can be applied at room temperature.

Also, it pulls the hair from the roots making hair removal relatively less painful and the water and lemon work to nourish the skin. Lastly, the biodegradable mixture and cost-friendly ingredients make sugaring better than regular wax. You can give sugaring vs. waxing a read for more information.

Sugar Waxing Vs. Shaving

Sugar wax is more skin-friendly than shaving wax, and it is cheaper as well. This is because razor blades can irritate the skin while hyposensitivity sugar wax moisturizes it. Furthermore, you do not need to buy anything to make DIY sugar wax while you continuously need to buy new razors occasionally.

Also, shaving’s results last for a few days as it removes hair at the level of the skin surface, while sugaring can keep you hairless for a few weeks. To learn more about waxing and shaving, check out waxing vs. shaving.

Sugar Waxing Vs. Hair Removal Creams

Hair removal creams are chemical products that remove hair just under the surface of the skin in contrast to the natural sugaring mixture that removes hair from the roots.

The chemicals in depilatory creams can cause skin allergy while nothing of such sort happens with sugaring. Moreover, hair removal creams can be expensive.

Part 2: 5 Best Homemade Sugar Wax Recipes

5 Best Homemade Sugar Wax Recipes

Below are the 5 best body sugaring recipes to try by yourself.

Recipe Number 1: Sugar and Lemon Wax

Sugar and lemon wax is the traditional sugaring hair removal recipe. It is simple and easy to make.


To make the simplest fool-proof sugar wax, you need the following ingredients.

  • 200 grams of 1 cup of granulated white sugar
  • 30 ml or 2 tablespoons or ⅛ cup of fresh/bottled lemon juice
  • 30 mo or 2 tablespoons or ⅛ cup of warm water


This recipe has the following benefits.

  • Basic ingredients available at home
  • Not complex measurements
  • Nearly painless sugaring wax is formed within minutes
  • It is a sugar wax recipe no strips are needed

Step-By-Step Instructions

To make this homemade sugar wax, follow the steps given below.

  • Put all ingredients in a medium-sized bowl and put it on the stove
  • Turn the stove on on high flame and wait until you see bubbles. Remember to stir continuously during this time
  • Change the flame intensity to medium and continue stirring
  • Reduce the flame further and wait until this mixture turns golden brown with a syrup-like consistency
  • Turn off the flame and wait for 30 minutes before using it

Recipe Number 2: Cane Sugar and Apple Cider Vinegar WaxCane Sugar and Apple Cider Vinegar Wax

This second recipe is for people who are not too fond of putting lemons in their skincare products.


The ingredients for an apple cider DIY sugar wax recipe are given as,

  • 1 cup of granulated cane sugar
  • ⅛ cup of apple cider vinegar
  • ⅛ cup of warm water
  • A few drops of any essential oil


The benefits of replacing lemon with apple cider are given below.

  • You do not actually have lemons at home
  • Its pH is comparable to that of the skin
  • It helps in reducing acne
  • Brightens the complexion gently

Step-By-Step Instructions

Here is your step-by-step guide for maxing this sugar wax.

  • Add all these ingredients into a pot and turn on high flame after placing it on the stove
  • When the mixture starts to boil, bring down the flame to medium and wait until its color starts changing and the consistency becomes honey-like
  • Remember to stir it frequently and turn the flame off after a few minutes
  • Transfer it to another bowl and wait for half an hour before using it

Recipe Number 3: White Sugar and Honey Wax

Here is our 3rd recipe for making homemade sugar wax. This recipe is for people with sensitive people who would prefer something even more gentle.


The ingredients of honey sugaring hair removal recipe are given as,

  • 1 cup of white sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • ¼ cup of organic honey


Its benefits are given as.

  • Moisturizes the skin while removing unwanted hair
  • Suitable for large areas
  • More easier to handle because you can use strips with it

Step-By-Step Instructions

Here is how you can make this sugar wax recipe at home.

  • Put the pan on the stove and add 1 cup of sugar. Wait until the sugar melts and slowly add lemon juice and honey.
  • Stir the mixture continuously until a thin, pasty mixture is formed
  • Remove it from the stove and let it cool down before use.

Recipe Number 4: Sugar and Orange Juice WaxSugar and Orange Juice Wax

Sugar and orange juice wax is a type of fruit wax recipe that uses citrus fruits as a substitute for lemon. It can be refreshing and provide additional benefits from the vitamins and antioxidants present in oranges.


The ingredients for this sugaring recipe are as follows.

  • 2 cups of granulated white sugar
  • ¼ cup of fresh orange juice
  • ⅛ cup of water


You can benefit in the following ways fruit wax.

  • Enriched with antioxidants that prevent aging
  • A good source of vitamin C that stimulates collagen production in the skin
  • Vitamin and fluids in orange juice hydrates the skin

Step-By-Step Instructions

To make a fruit sugar wax recipe, follow the simple steps given below.

  • Put sugar, orange juice, and water into a non-stick pot. Then keep it on the stove and heat it on a high flame
  • Stir the mixture well with a wooden spatula until it starts boiling. Then reduce the flame to medium
  • As the consistency is becoming thicker and the solution is turning brown/honey-like, it is time to turn the stove off
  • Wait for 30 minutes for it to cool down and it is ready to use

Recipe Number 5: Sugar, Essential Oils, and Salt Wax

Lastly, we have an exfoliating sugar wax recipe for you that uses salts and essential oils. Not only does it remove the hair but also improves skin texture and hygiene by cleaning the pores deeply. Also, check if seawater is good for your skin.


The ingredients of the salt sugar wax recipe are as follows.

  • 1 cup of white sugar in the form of granules
  • ½ tablespoon of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of any type of vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of warm water
  • 2 to 3 drops of essential oils like lavender oil


Here is why you should try this sugar wax recipe.

  • Essential oils moisturize the skin
  • Salt cleanses and exfoliates the skin from within
  • Vinegar helps in balancing skin pH

Step-By-Step Instructions

Follow the steps given below to make this waxing recipe at home.

  • Add all ingredients except essential oils to a pan, keep it on the stove, and heat it on medium flame
  • Mix the ingredients well for 10 minutes until the consistency is changing
  • Now lower the flame intensity and continue stirring until a golden color appears
  • Finally, turn off the stove and add essential oil to your sugar wax

Part 3: Tips for Successful Sugar Waxing

Tips for Successful Sugar Waxing

Although sugaring is not an uphill battle, it is not a piece of cake either. Therefore, you can struggle with making and applying sugaring hair removal wax for the first few tries. So, here are a few tips to help you master it quickly.

Skin Preparation Tips

Skin preparation is an important part of getting a hairless body with sugar wax. So, follow the tips given below to prepare your skin.

  • Exfoliate your skin 2 or 3 times a week so that there are no dead skin cells or impurities to interfere with the sugar wax hair removal.
  • Hydrate your skin every day with a moisturizer so that it is smooth and soft making sugaring even more nearly painless.
  • Always cleanse the skin before sugaring hair removal and ensure that it is dry before you apply the mixture.

Sugar Waxing Preparation Tips

Here are some tips to make the best sugar wax without burning it.

  • When you start making sugar wax, always heat the mixture at a high flame. Then, when it starts boiling, lower the flame to a medium level.
  • Do not forget to whisk the mixture continuously so that it is mixed uniformly.
  • Be cautious when handling sugar wax. Even if you turn your eyes away for a minute, it can burn.
  • Take off the wax from the stove when the color turns honey-like golden brown and the consistency is syrup-like. This is the indication that your perfect sugar wax is ready.

Application and Removal Tips

Follow these tips for the ultimate sugaring experience.

  • Start sugaring when the wax is cool enough to form a stretchable paste. Normally, it is 30 minutes after making the wax. Cool sugar wax is easier to work with.
  • Always use a dime-sized amount of the sugar wax paste and apply it by stretching it between the fingertips.
  • Apply in the direction of hair growth and pull it off in the opposite direction. You need no strips.
  • Reuse a single piece at any section until it no longer stretches and sticks to the hair.

Part 4: Alternative to Sugar Waxing: IPL Hair Removal

Ulike Air 10 

While sugar wax is the best home remedy for removing unwanted hair, as mentioned in natural remedies for hair removal, it might not be the best long-term solution for you. Many other options are available in the world of more advanced hair removal methods. One such option is IPL hair removal, which can be used as an alternative to sugaring for the following reasons.

  • Comparatively much less painful
  • Hassle-free, non-sticky, and creates no mess
  • Super fast hair removal sessions taking only 15-30 minutes
  • Effective results lasting for months
  • Pocket-friendly in the longterm

Now that you know why IPL hair removal can be better than sugar, I suggest the Ulike Air 10 IPL hair removal device as one of the top devices available in the market. Ulike Sapphire Air 10 IPL grabbed my attention because of its sleek design, user-friendly interface, customizable settings, and sapphire-ice cooling technology.


Sugar wax can be your organic hair removal DIY recipe. It gently removes unwanted facial and body hair. Moreover, it is easy to make: All you need is warm water, some lemon juice, and a lot of sugar.

You can make variations in the traditional recipe as well and add things like orange juice, apple cider vinegar, and honey, which can be used as well. Thus, we talked about different sugar wax recipes here.

Furthermore, if you are not too fond of the effort-requiring and time-consuming procedure of making sugar wax, IPL hair removal devices like Ulike are a great option to invest in.

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