How Does Hair Removal Cream Work? (& FAQs)

How Does Hair Removal Cream Work? (& FAQs)

If we lived a few centuries ago, we could never imagine a cream removing unwanted hair. This was when women had limited options to remove hair. But those options came with pain whether it was caused by pulling of the skin with unwanted hair in waxing or cuts by razors.

With the introduction of depilatory creams, women were finally saved from bearing full body pain just to satisfy some societal standards. The hair removal creams enabled women and now even men to remove the hair from their face, body, chest, and private parts effortlessly.

Moreover, such creams have come a long way when we talk about their consistency, ingredients, benefits, use, and application form. Depilatory creams are even available in the form of sprays now as explained in hair removal sprays; safety, side effects, and more .

So, let us know about how the hair removal creams work along with answering your questions here.

What is a Hair Removal Cream?

Hair removal cream is a lotion-like product that is used for the chemical depilation of unwanted hair. Different types of hair removal creams are prepared depending on the needs of a body part with unwanted hair.

These enable you to remove hair from delicate skin such as that of the face, coarse hair like legs, and thick hair on sensitive areas at private parts. Although hair removal creams are associated with some side effects, they are a safe method of hair removal and can be used with no safety concerns.

However, there are some precautions to take to ensure that you do not suffer from any of the adverse effects of depilatory creams.

How Does Hair Removal Cream Work?

If we talk about how it is possible for a cream to remove unwanted hair so meticulously within minutes, it is because of proteolysis in the strands of unwanted hair. So, let us see how this proteolysis works in detail.

Major Ingredients in Hair Removal Creams

First of all, you need to be aware of the ingredients of a hair removal cream. Because these ingredients contain chemicals that help to break down the hair and skin soothing oils or butter that help to make the skin smooth.

The proteolytic chemicals include potassium thioglycolate, calcium hydroxide, thioglycolic acid, strontium sulfide, and lactic acid. These ingredients are known to break the keratin.

In addition to proteolytic ingredients, hair removal creams contain ingredients like aqua, glycerine, linalool, potassium sorbate, vitamin E, cocoa butter, aloe vera, shea butter, and more such components to make the consistency of the creams optimal, fragrance pleasant, and application easy.

The Science Behind the Working of Hair Removal Creams

The chemicals of a hair removal cream first act on the keratin of the outer layer of the hair. They dissolve this layer and allow other chemicals to enter the shaft of the hair. Within the shaft, the chemicals make the hair strands swell up and break the sulfide bonds which hold it together.

Finally, the cortex and shaft are dissolved at the level of the surface of the skin. The dissolved hair gets a jelly-like consistency which when wiped off with a spatula or a washcloth is removed. The hair then regrows back from the dissolved surface within 3 to 7 days.

Steps to Use a Hair Removal Cream

Hair removal creams are easy to use. 3 steps and 5 to 10 minutes are all that you need to remove unwanted hair hassle-free.

Step 1. Cleanse and Dry the Skin

First, the skin should be free of any sweat, makeup, skincare products, dirt, and impurities. So, wash the area to be treated thoroughly. Also, it is good to exfoliate the skin once a week to remove dead skin cells.

After washing, dry your skin by dabbing it with a soft cloth or towel. Hair removal creams do not work on damp skin. Also, do not apply the hair removal cream on skin with a compromised barrier.

Step 2. Apply The Cream and Wait

Then apply the cream evenly on the skin in a way that all unwanted hair is covered. Wait for the time duration as mentioned in the instruction of the cream. In most cases, it is 3 to 10 minutes. Moreover, it is recommended to never keep the cream for longer than 15 minutes.

Step 3. Test Section and Removal of the Cream

After 5 minutes, remove a small section of hair and see if the hair is removed. If yes, remove all the cream with a spatula or damp clothing. Rinse the area with lukewarm or cool water. After that, apply a moisturizer.


1. Is Hair Removal Cream Long-lasting With Respect to Its Results?

Unfortunately, the results of hair removal creams are never long-lasting. They do not act on the follicles. Rather, they are limited to the surface of the skin. So, when hair is removed from here, they grow back with no hindrance within a week making you repeat the treatment every 5 to 10 days.

However, there are some depilatory creams that come with hair growth-inhibiting ingredients that slow down the lengthening of the unwanted hair strands allowing results to last for 2 to 3 weeks. But in both cases, you can not expect hair growth to completely stop with depilatory creams.

2. How Long Does it Take for Hair Removal Cream to Work?

The time taken to work for hair removal creams varies between several hair removal creams based upon the concentration of keratin-dissolving chemicals present in them. Also, the time taken varies with the area you are using them on. On the body, they take 5 to 15 minutes while on the face, they take 3 to minutes.

If we include the time taken to cleanse the skin, you would be hair-free within 15 minutes at maximum by using hair removal creams. However, leaving a hair removal cream for longer than 15 minutes can cause severe adverse effects like a chemical reaction.

3. What are the Side Effects of Hair Removal Cream on the Face?

The side effects of hair removal cream on the face include redness, stinging sensation, itching, and irritation. If not removed as long as you experience such effects, these progress to a severe chemical reaction with the symptoms like skin burns, pain, and blisters. This also causes scarring and hyperpigmentation.

In addition, the blunt hair regrows back giving them an appearance like that of a mustache. Also, you might experience allergy and strong sensitivity to the chemical smell of such creams.

So, the face is the least likely area where a hair removal cream should be used. It is because the skin is delicate and it can take a while to treat the side effects caused by hair removal creams on the face.

4. What are the Side Effects of Hair Removal Cream on Private Parts?

Although private areas are one of the most common sites where hair removal creams are used, they are also prone to the risks associated with the usage of depilatory creams. The side effects of hair removal creams on private parts include redness, irritation, bumps, folliculitis, and ingrown hair.

The more severe side effects include abrasion of the skin, chemical burns, inflammation, blisters, and tenderness in that area. Additionally, you can check the details of the 3 side effects of hair removal cream on private parts here.

Also, because private parts are not close to the face, there is little effort made to conceal their strong chemical fragrance. So, it lingers on the body for a long time.

5. Does Hair Removal Cream Darken the Skin Color?

While hair removal creams do not directly affect the pigmentation of the skin, they do darken the skin. The depilatory creams do so by irritating the skin, developing blisters, and forming crusts, and scars. Consequently, the skin appears dark because of the scar marks.

Moreover, you can also experience skin darkness caused by inflammation. This effect resolves after a few days. However, if you use depilatory creams regularly, they can lead to persistent hyperpigmentation.

6. How Long Does The Hair Removal Cream Work For?

Hair removal cream does not reach the hair roots nor do they pluck the hair as does waxing. They only penetrate a little under the skin surface where it dissolves the hair. The hair is removed making the skin fully smooth and hairless.

But this hair begins to regrow within 3 days and you need to repeat the treatment within 7 days. So, hair removal cream only works for a week at a maximum limit.

7. What Can be Used Instead of Hair Removal Creams for Better Results and a Skin Friendly Experience?

Hair removal creams are never the long-term solution to unwanted hair. It is clear that they have their pros and cons when we compare them to other hair removal methods as explained in hair removal cream vs shaving and hair removal cream vs waxing . So, if you would rather like a hair removal method that is better than all, IPL devices are the one.

For example, Ulike Sapphire Air3 IPL hair removal handset saves you from burns, allergies, and chemical reactions through its sapphire ice-cooling technology, skin redness, irritation, and darkness through its comfort modes. Also, one device can be used all over your face and body by its multiple intensity levels.


Hair removal creams are products that dissolve the keratin in the hair resulting in hair removal that lasts for up to a week. Within a few minutes, your skin becomes hairless.

Although they are safe and nearly painless, they make the skin prone to several side effects like redness, irritation, darkness, blisters, burns, and a few more.

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