Why Does Nair Smell So Bad? 5 Ways to Get Rid of The Smell

Why Does Nair Smell So Bad? 5 Ways to Get Rid of The Smell

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Why Does Nair Smell So Bad

Nair – and most depilatory creams, for that matter – is notorious for its pungent, rotten egg smell. Yes, it will dissolve your unwanted body and facial hair in less than 5 minutes. However, you may live with the obnoxious odor for a couple of hours later. If you are asthmatic or allergic to unpleasant odors, it’s a big concern to opt for this depilatory cream as your hair removal method.

Besides the possible health setbacks, the unpleasant smell can be embarrassing in public. Or, can you imagine yourself at a corporate meeting, and everyone is looking around, asking where the rotten egg smell is emanating from? It can be a big deal breaker.

Nevertheless, we can’t completely rule out proven removal creams like Nair just because of the foul odor. Doing so will not be different from throwing away the baby with the bath water. Like you, many people have asked and researched ways to eliminate the lingering, offensive odor of Nair while still enjoying the benefits it affords.

While we will look at a few ways to take care of the Nair smell, let’s first understand why the cream smells like a rotten egg when used to remove body hairs. This understanding will most likely put your mind at rest on issues like its safety and effectiveness.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: Explainer: Why Nair Smells So Bad

To understand why Nair smells so badly, you need to first know the elemental composition of depilatory creams. If we would be straightforward, depilatory creams are synthetic chemicals that work by degrading the hair structure. All of them contain these two things, although each brand may differ in specifics

  • Thioglycolic acid saltsof either calcium or potassium:- this acid salt targets hair’s protein fiber, breaking A down to allow other chemicals to further work on it. For Nair, it is potassium thioglycolate
  • A base: this can be calcium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide (NaOH), or potassium hydroxide (kOH). In this consideration, Nair uses calcium hydroxide as its base

For Nair, it contains the following in addition to the basic constituents of depilatory creams

  • Water
  • Sodium silicate solution
  • Fragrance
  • Calcium carbonate (CaCo3)
  • Cetyl alcohol
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate

The hair shaft (that portion that grows above the skin) is essentially a mesh of keratin, which is a proteinous fiber. Strong disulfide bonds hold the mesh together. However, when you apply the Nair gel or paste to your hair, the base (Calcium hydroxide) causes it to swell and become open while the potassium thioglycolate breaks down the disulfide bonds or, in some cases, weakens it. Once broken or weakened, you can now wash or wipe the hair off.

Why Nair Smells So Bad

But here is the specific reason Nair smells: the disulfide bonds, when broken or weakened, release hydrogen sulfide (H2S), also known as sulfur, which is the molecule that smells like the rotten egg you perceive. Acidified sulfur gives off a smell that elicits an allergic reaction from people suffering from respiratory conditions. As such, if you’re asthmatic, you may need to think twice before opting for Nair or any depilatory cream, as your hair removal method.

Part 2: Is It Possible to Get Rid of this Rotten Egg Smell?

Of course, you can get rid of this offensive smell by practicing these few things after using the cream. You don’t have to use all the methods at once. However, the first one is critical and applicable to all skin types. If you try one and it seems not to work, you can try another.

Below are five things you can do to quickly overcome Nair’s rotten egg odor.

1. Warm Water & Soap

Instead of using a towel or handkerchief to wipe off the dissolved hair and residual paste, simply wash it off with warm water and mild soap. This combination is one of the best-known methods of getting rid of tough residual products on the skin. Please note that you don’t need a sponge to do this. You can just use a foam or bare hand to apply the soap and wash it off. Again, the water does not have to be very hot; if it is, it can cause an adverse reaction on your skin.

2. Baking Soda Paste

Yes, we use it in the kitchen for baking chin-chin and other flour foods. But did you know that baking soda is also a powerful odor-neutralizer? After washing the dissolved hair with warm water and soap, mix a few spoons of baking powder in water and spread it on your skin. Allow it to lie there for a few minutes before washing it away.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Besides removing tough stains and grime, apple cider vinegar is also a powerful odor remover. Perhaps because of its antibacterial properties, ACV is commonly used at home as a disinfectant and fragrance to keep bad smells off. To use, mix with a small quantity of water and spray it on the area. Alternatively, you can simply rub the ACV on your skin after doing a patch test to be sure you do not react to it. Repeat this once a day for at least three days, and the smell should have totally gone.

4. Dental Hygiene Products

Most toothpaste and mouthwashes have mint, fluoride, and antibacterial agents that are good for combating odor. Depending on your skin’s tolerance of these dental products, spread them on the area you just wiped the hair from and leave it there for at least 10 minutes. You can then wash it off with mild soap and warm water.

5. Natural Scrubs

Some homemade scrubs, especially those containing coffee or salt, are capable of odor removal. If you’ve got any of them and you are sure your skin doesn’t react negatively to them, you can go ahead. To make a natural coffee scrub that contains coffee, you need one part of coffee, one part of olive or coconut oil, and a few drops of your essential oil. Mix these three things together, and you have a natural coffee scrub.

Natural scrubs are best applied after you’ve confirmed that the depilatory cream didn’t burn your skin. Also, you should ensure that your skin is wet before applying the scrub; it works best and faster this way.

Another thing you can do to clear off the smell on time is to always wear a powerful cologne that can last for at least 12 hours. You can also use hand sanitizers if the odor comes more from your hand.

Part 3: Precautions to Take When Using Nair

It is not a good idea to attempt removing nasal hair with Nair or any other depilatory cream. Besides being a constricted area, you risk inhaling some of the chemicals. The inner skin of your nose is also susceptible to burning and irritation if you apply Nair to it. How do you wipe off the gel or lotion once it has done its work?

In the same way, never use Nair very close to your eyes without wearing a protective goggle. In fact, you should consider other safer hair removal methods, aside from depilatory creams, for your triangle of death spot and face in general. That’s because facial skin is more tender and prone to breakouts than other body parts.

Finally, before applying Nair to your skin, don’t forget to conduct a patch test to determine whether it’s good for you. This advice is also accurate for the earlier anti-smell suggestions in this article.

Part 4: Alternative to Nair Hair Removal Cream

One of the reasons you considered Nair for your hair removal was probably because of the fast action. In less than 15 minutes, you are done and smooth-skinned. The cream or its paste equivalent is also affordable and readily available online for purchase.

However, it’s only as good as shaving. If your hair grows quickly, you can expect regrowth in about four to six days. The smell and possibility of burning your skin are something you cannot whisk aside. If your skin is very sensitive, the chances are that you are ineligible to use Nair or other depilatories.

But have you considered Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) devices, especially the Ulike Air 3 IPL Hair Remover? This light-based device removes your objectionable body hair by sending light into the follicles and stopping the growth cycle. Ulike Air 3 IPL is FDA-cleared, and it’s nearly painless in its operation.

Ulike Sapphire Air3 IPL Hair Removal Handset

Yes, you will be set back by around $329 to get this package, but it is an investment that is worth the money. A single purchase of Ulike IPL can last you a lifetime, and it works for all body parts, including your pubic areas and face.


The sulfur released when Nair reacts with hair is what smells like a rotten egg. It’s nobody’s delight and can cause a health crisis for someone battling respiratory disease. But that as it may be, there are home remedies to this smell, most of which have been mentioned in this article.

Better still, you don’t have to subject yourself to this stress if you opt for a less risky, more modern approach called IPL. The Ulike Air 3 IPL Hair Removal Handset presented in this piece is arguably one of the best you can purchase for seamless hair removal. It comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

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