Hair Removal in PCOS My Journey with IPL Device

Hair Removal in PCOS: My Journey with IPL Device

PCOS and the accompanying overgrowth of hair can be very frustrating, but with IPL hair removal, you no longer have to worry about excessive hair growth.
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As a 26-year-old woman who has been living with PCOS for 5 years, self-care has become an important part of my daily life. One of the important steps of this self-care is hair removal as PCOS comes with extra growth of body hair.

 For those who are unaware of PCOS, it is a hormonal disorder in women that leads to irregular periods, weight gain, acne, and excess body hair. Since it started in my college days, everything was quite distressing for me. Even, now in my late twenties, I cannot be completely stress-free especially due to the extra body hair.

Here is my journey of hair removal for those who are also been struggling with PCOS and want a long-lasting solution!

Table of Contents:
  • Part 1: My Struggles with PCOS-induced Hirsutism
  • Part 2: Discovering IPL: A Life-changing Decision
  • Part 3: My Experience with Ulike IPL Hair Removal Device
  • Part 4: Is IPL better than Laser Hair Removal?
  • Part 5: Conclusion

    My Struggles with PCOS-induced Hirsutism

    My Struggles with PCOS-induced Hirsutism

    In Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), our ovaries release excess hormones known as androgens. These hormones are mainly responsible for inducing male characteristics like thick and coarse facial and body hair. Excessive hair growth is normally termed as Hirsutism.

    Since excessive hair growth occurs in PCOS so hirsutism is also associated with PCOS. At 20, everything was fine for me but once I turned 21, things started changing. I started to gain weight and noticed excess facial hair growth. That was when I was diagnosed with PCOS.

    It was quite embarrassing to have excess body hair when everyone had clean hair-free skin in college. I started shaving my hair but I had to do it very often due to quick hair regrowth. I searched more and got to know that the hair removal results last longer after waxing.

    But, unfortunately, it did not work for me, and removing the wax from the skin was more painful than just shaving the body hair. This often led to ingrown hair as well. This was all time-consuming, painful, and stressful for me. That’s when I decided to look for more sustainable and long-lasting hair removal options.

    Discovering IPL: A Life-changing Decision

    Discovering IPL A Life-changing Decision

    I discussed my problem with a close friend and that is when she told me about IPL being a hair removal method that provides long-lasting results. However, none of us was aware of its effectiveness for PCOS-associated excessive hair growth.

    I began my research and found out that IPL devices provide long-lasting results by destroying the hair follicles with heat. With consistent uses, hair growth reduces for several months to years. Discovering about IPL proved lucky for me as I got to know that it also works for PCOS hair growth.

    But you cannot just use something without knowing about its benefits and side effects. So, I searched more, and here is what I found about IPL hair removal.

    Benefits of IPL Hair Removal for Women with PCOS

    • IPL serves as a non-invasive treatment method for reducing hair growth on the face and body
    • The results of IPL last for months to years so you do not have to worry about removing hair every other day
    • This makes you stress-free and saves a lot of time which can be spent in other productive ways
    • No more embarrassing memories and you can wear whatever you want without fearing the excessive hair growth
    • You can get the treatment customized according to your skin type and hair type

    Side Effects of IPL Hair Removal

    While all the benefits of IPL made me happy, I was also a bit hesitant about undergoing the IPL treatment as it also had some side effects:

    • The treatment can be a bit painful, especially for those with sensitive skin
    • It can cause redness, irritation, and inflammation immediately or some time after the treatment
    • You can also expect hyperpigmentation in the treated area
    • Scarring or crusting only occurs due to the malpractice of the technician

    Choosing the Right IPL Device

    There are side effects of IPL but since these are only possibilities, you do not always acquire those. So, I decided to give IPL hair removal a try. Here I had two options, either going for IPL treatment at a salon or buying an at-home IPL device.

    As a working woman who loves to spend her free time discovering more about her profession, salon treatment is very time-consuming. I decided to look for at-home IPL hair removal devices. Here are my criteria for finding the right IPL machine:

    • Budget-friendly: The very first I kept in mind was my budget. As the device is going to be a long-term investment so i kept my budget a bit high to get a good quality product. But I also made sure that it did not affect my other expenses much
    • Safe to Use: As IPL devices include the use of heat to burn hair follicles, so I need an FDA-cleared device to ensure my safety
    • Good Reviews: Customer experience is of great significance to me. I read reviews of all the devices I shortlisted to find out the efficacy of those devices based on personal experiences

    My Experience with Ulike IPL Hair Removal Device

    Ulike Air 10

    Among the devices I shortlisted, Ulike IPL machines caught my attention. After thinking for a while, I decided to go for Ulike Air 10. It is a device that shows visible results just within 2 weeks of use.

    As someone who is highly conscious about her skin, I was happy to read about its SkinSensor technology. This automatically adjusts the intensity level according to the skin tone to prevent burns. I finally ordered the device and this is how my journey went!

    First Impression

    When I first got my hands on the handset, I was quite amazed with the packaging. Inside the box, there were goggles, the device, an adapter, a razor, and a manual that made everything easier for me to understand.

    The handset was also compact enough to easily fit my hand. This made it easier to reach the buttons with one hand to change the settings. Honestly, the handset was also very pretty and I was very excited to use it.


    Preparing your skin before the IPL treatment is necessary. It increases the effectiveness of the device and reduces the risk of side effects. So, here is how I prepared for my IPL treatment:

    • I exfoliated my skin using exfoliating gloves 2 days before the IPL treatment as this increases the absorption of the IPL into the skin
    • 12 hours before the first session, I shaved the area thoroughly
    • On the day of the treatment, I took a shower and kept my skin clear of any serums or moisturizers as they could clog the device and hinder the treatment process

    The Treatment Process and Results

    I turned on the device and started with my leg hair. There were different modes available to treat the body areas on different intensity levels depending upon the hair thickness. Used high mode for leg hair. For the stubborn hair, I switched to SHR mode.

    The whole process was nearly painless for me as its sapphire ice-cooling technology provided a soothing sensation. Surprisingly, I was able to complete full body treatment within minutes. It’s a dual light source and a high energy output device which made the session quicker.

    I was able to see results within the first 2 weeks of use. The newly grown hair was thinner and eventually, after consistent treatment sessions, I was able to achieve permanent hair reduction. It’s been two months now and the regrowth has reduced to a great extent. As someone with PCOS who was overwhelmed by frequent regrowth, I am quite happy with the results!

    Is IPL better than Laser Hair Removal?

    Is IPL better than Laser Hair Removal?

    Laser hair removal was introduced way before IPL hair removal. Similar to IPL, it also shows semi-permanent results which keep your skin hair-free for years. Then why IPL? Why did I choose IPL over laser? Is IPL better than laser hair removal?

    For me it is! I have sensitive skin. Since the laser is more stronger, it is often more painful than the IPL treatment. Going to the salon was time-consuming and I always preferred hair removal at home so I was totally against the idea of going to a clinic for this.

    There are not many reliable at-home laser hair removal devices. So, at-home IPL hair removal with Ulike provided me comfort, saved time, was less painful, and helped me achieve the desired results.

    Moreover, a single laser session costs between $100 to $800. Investing in Ulike helped me achieve long-lasting hair reduction at just the price of a single laser session.


    PCOS and the excessive hair growth that comes with it can be very frustrating, especially for girls who have experienced it recently. Luckily, with IPL hair removal, you do not need to worry about excessive hair growth anymore.

    The treatment is safe and effective against coarse hair that grows due to over release of androgens in the body. I went for at-home hair removal with Ulike and it did not disappoint. The decision can vary from person to person depending upon their needs, budget, and the desired results.