If the tracking information for your package shows that your package was delivered, but you can’t find it:
Please wait 48 hours. In rare cases, packages may be marked as delivered up to 48 hours before arrival. Note: Some carriers may deliver until 10PM.
Check for a notice of attempted delivery.
Ask your family and/or neighbors if they received the package on your behalf; Check with your leasing office, front desk and/or package locker where applicable.
Look around the delivery location to see if the package was securely tucked away.
If the package is still not found, please contact the carrier directly to report the missing package and to ask if they can provide additional details regarding where the package was left. If the package still cannot be located, please contact our Client Care team at support@ulikeglobal.com so that we can check the status of your package. Please note, Client Care must be notified of missing or lost packages within 7 calendar days of your order being marked as delivered.
Note: Ulike monitors and logs all claims of lost, missing, wrong and/or damaged items. Lost, missing and wrong/ damaged items must be reported within 7 calendar days upon order marked as delivered. Pictures must be submitted for wrong/damaged items. Ulike reserves the right to limit and/or deny the reshipment and/or refunding of an order/ item in all instances. In the instance a courtesy reshipment is issued, the reshipment order is ineligible for return and/or refund.