50 Tips and Tricks on How to Look More Feminine

50 Tips and Tricks on How to Look More Feminine

50 Tips and Tricks on How to Look More Feminine

Femininity has always been considered to be synonymous with grace. Not only is a feminine woman considered to be attractive, but accepting your feminine side brings up a new confidence in your personality. However, femininity can’t be defined through a single phrase – it is not about dressing a certain way or wearing a specific kind of makeup. Being feminine means having a unique aura that makes you feel elegant yet powerful.

If you are confused about how to embrace your inner woman, you have come to the right place. This article will provide 50 tips on how to look more feminine, helping you feel elevated and adding grace to your whole identity.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: Focusing on How You Look

  1. Try on some classic dresses

A good dress makes your whole personality. Classis dresses are considered to be graceful and thus, linked with femininity. Go for a flowy skirt with a neutral blouse. Dresses are a renowned feminine symbol of power as well.

Try on some classic dresses

  1. Go for clothes with softer fabrics

Soft and delicate fabrics invoke the word “feminine” in our minds. A dress made of cotton, silk, linen, satin, or similar natural materials is not only comfortable to wear but also adds a ladylike feel to your overall look, making you seem more neat and polished.

  1. Accessorize appropriately

The world of accessories follows the rule “Less is enough.” Opt for minimal pieces, such as a small pendant and studs or simple hoop earrings. Do not wear jewelry that is too heavy or bold (unless the occasion calls for it). You can also add a delicate bracelet or chains to add a feminine touch to your outfit.

  1. Choose appropriate yet comfortable footwear

Although heels are always considered to be an emblem of feminity, pumps are considered to be a comfortable alternative as well. If you are going for heels, choose the right one that compliments your height. It is better to steer away from anything that is too low or too high, and go for a medium one instead.

  1. Try on some scarves

The addition of a cute scarf immediately adds a feminine feel to any outfit. It adds flow to your dress, and can even make a t-shirt-and-jeans ensemble scream femininity, adding grace and mystery to your look.

  1. Go for floral prints

Flowers bring out the thoughts of spring and beauty. Floral prints are a great way of bringing the feminine side of nature to your outfit. When it comes to delicacy, these designs have always been popular among women, keeping up with their fame even today.

Go for floral prints

  1. Focus on your silhouette

Your silhouette is one of the basic factors that make you look more feminine. It is important to consider your shape whenever choosing what to wear. Moreover, wear those dresses that complement the contours and curves of your body. However, these must not be too tight and distract the eye from your flaws.

  1. Give Your Eyebrows the Right Shape

Eyebrows serve as a frame for the eyes and highlight your facial features. Therefore, the shape of your eyebrows must be according to the shape of your face. You can also keep them tamed and highlighted using a good quality brow gel and brow pencil.

  1. Grow longer hair

Even though shorter hairstyles are more popular among women nowadays, long hair has always been linked with beauty. Long silky hair tends to attract people toward you, adding a sense of feminine class to your overall personality. In addition, you can make different cute hairstyles easily with longer hair.

  1. Keep yourself clean and hair-free

No matter how you dress and makeup, if you are not clean and tidy then it will all go to waste. A hairy body makes girls look a bit masculine so focus on maintaining the smoothness of your skin. But hate to remove hair every other day? You can replace your temporary hair removal method with IPL. An at-home IPL device like Ulike Air 3 can give you nearly long-lasting hair removal results thus keeping your skin smooth for months to years.Ulike Air3

Part 2: Makeup and Beauty Tips

Makeup and cosmetics help a great deal in bringing your feminine side out by enhancing your looks.

  1. Try wearing some makeup

A little bit of makeup, when done properly, can transform your whole appearance and make you look more feminine and elegant. You can wear a foundation to give your makeup an even look. This foundation must match your skin color so that you can achieve a natural look. While choosing a lipstick, choose a light natural shade that complements your skin tone. Also, Remember that overdoing your makeup can be overwhelming, destroying its whole purpose.

  1. Wear feminine hairstyles

Your hair is the crown of your face that can make or break your look. You can use this asset to highlight your femininity. There are many hairstyles that can add a feminine touch to your appearance, such as soft waves or silky straight. A loose braid or updo is also trendy nowadays, giving you a perfectly balanced splash of femininity.

Wear feminine hairstyles

  1. Wear perfume

Wearing good perfume while going out can never go wrong. Perfumes or body sprays with soft notes can accentuate your feminine vibes and let people remember you for a long time. To let the perfume stay on your body for an extended time, you can apply it on your wrists and then neck. Floral and fruity fragrances are always a hit among ladies of all ages.

  1. Keep your skin hydrated

Dry flaky skin that makes your complexion look uneven is far from a feminine look. Try light moisturizers with no harsh chemicals that can hydrate your skin without affecting your skin in any way. A good moisturizing cream or lotion not only helps lock the moisture in your skin but also repairs any minimal skin damage to make it youthful and glowing.

  1. Regular facials can help

To bring out your natural beauty, your face must be clean with an even skin tone. What can be better than a facial for this purpose? Make regular cleansing facials a habit at least once or twice a week to get your skin radiant and young or go for professional treatments at a good salon.

  1. Keep your lips moisturized

Soft and plump lips add to the beauty and glamour of a woman therefore you must keep your lips moisturized all the time. Always keep a lip balm – clear or tinted – with you to make sure your lips are never chapped and always moisturized.

  1. Keep your hair tamed

Messy hair is the complete opposite of class. No matter how much time you spend perfecting your hairstyle, stray hair strands can spoil your whole look. Make sure that your hair is properly pinned up before you go out. You can also use any non-sticky oil, such as argon oil, to keep your hair in place.

  1. Don’t forget manicure

Chipped dirty nails are a total no-no. When taking care of your look, it is important to pay attention to your nails as well. Avoid keeping long nails. Nudes, light pinks and purples, wine, red, and chocolate brown are some nail colors that give a modern yet classy vibe, making your hands look neat and attractive.

Don’t forget manicure

  1. Bring attention to the eyes

Eyes are considered the window to your soul. Bright eyes are considered a sign of good health and show you off as a well-maintained woman. Take ample sleep to prevent any dark circles or eye bags. Don’t be afraid to use mascara and liner to highlight the natural beauty of your eyes.

  1. Stay hydrated

Water is one of the major composites of our body. You cannot look healthy and graceful if your body isn’t well-hydrated. Water isn’t just vital for your body to function, it also helps keep your skin firm and elastic, allowing you to maintain a youthful glow.

Part 3: Body Language and Posture

One of the main ways of showing off your delicate yet confident feminine side is through your body language.

  1. Be graceful

The way you carry yourself can come out as more feminine than your dressing style. Moving smoothly with controlled movements is associated with feminine grace. Dress according to your appearance, wear shoes that you can comfortably walk in, and avoid rushing and hushing through your day.

  1. Learn to dance

Dance is among the oldest forms of art that has always been linked with elegance and womanhood. For instance, belly dance highlights your body’s curves while salsa helps you embrace your feminine flow while moving under the guidance of your partner.

  1. Be playful

Femininity is far from being perfect. Being graceful doesn’t specifically mean being reserved and quiet all the time. Make sure you smile and tease around (appropriately, of course), making others happy and feel at ease around you.

Be playful

  1. Be confident

Nothing is sexier than a woman confident in herself. While you are working on being delicate, add a touch of confidence to your personality as well. Walk looking straight keeping your head high. Talk in an assertive yet polite manner and accept compliments with a smile.

  1. Walk in a feminine way

Although walking with confidence is the key, your walking style can be made feminine as well. Walk with your hips instead of moving your shoulders, take light steps, and avoid rushing or stomping. The idea is to give a feel that you are gliding your way around the room.

  1. Be a good caretaker

Femininity is often linked with kindness. Taking care of people around you, offering help when needed, being there to listen to your friends, and treating others politely are some characteristics of feminine women.

  1. Use gentle gestures

Being gentle is being graceful. Use soft and gentle movements when working or walking. You can also use your hands while talking to express your message, yet avoid moving them too abruptly.

  1. Have good table manners

Good table manners are one of the first things that speak for your femininity. Sit while composed, keep your elbows off the table, avoid sneezing and slouching, and most importantly, eat without any splatters and spills.

Have good table manners

  1. Maintain eye contact

Avoiding eye contact isn’t a sign of elegance; it is a sign of nervousness. Maintaining meaningful eye contact shows sincerity and confidence. It makes you attractive and helps build a connection.

  1. Use open body language

Although you are to stay composed, it doesn’t mean that you completely enclose yourself. Crossing your arms could seem like you are making a barrier against communication. Keep yourself relaxed and use gentle gestures to invite communication.

Part 4: Voice and Speech Patterns

Other than your body language, your voice and the way you talk leave a deep impression on the other person.

  1. Be polite

A feminine person is never rude. It is important to remember to be polite and keep your voice low, no matter how annoyed or angry you are. Consider smiling and maintaining eye contact, without excessively touching the other person. Don’t forget to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ whenever needed.

  1. Avoid bragging

Bragging doesn’t mean you are confident in yourself. Someone who boasts about their accomplishments or looks seems like a show-off. Be glad to take compliments yet stay humble enough to not rub your positives on others.

  1. Give sincere compliments

Anyone can tell if you are trying to give them a fake compliment. Take your time to find something in the other person that could be sincerely complimented. It can be something you like about their dress or a lip shade that suits them to show you are paying attention.

Give sincere compliments

  1. Avoid cursing

Cursing and femininity are two completely opposite worlds. Even the smallest cuss can make you seem like a rude person. Speak considerately and politely. You can simply express your dislikeness about something or change the subject. You can also opt to stay silent to show your discomfort.

  1. Be compassionate

Compassion and kindness are the main qualities of someone feminine. Tell others you feel sorry and empathize with them. You can also offer help whenever possible, or just be there to listen to them. Try to read others’ feelings and make them feel better if you can.

  1. Maintain a pleasant tone

Using a loud tone of voice is impolite and discourteous. On the other hand, murmuring that the other person cannot hear you isn’t appropriate either. Talk in a soft yet clear voice that helps the other person understand you. Your tone should be polite yet convincing.

  1. Use positive language

Choose your words carefully when talking to someone. Even the slightest mistake can make them misunderstand your intention. Use clear language without going into metaphors or slang language. You can use your words to uplift others around you, strengthening your feminine aura.

  1. Don’t laugh loud

Loud laughter is not just unfeminine, it is often thought of as a bad manner. Instead of laughing loudly in public, go for a softer giggle or chuckle. Covering your mouth while laughing is often deemed as attractive and charismatic.

Don’t laugh loud

  1. Encourage collaboration

Promote collaboration and communication when in a social setting. Don’t hesitate to initiate a light conversation to build up the mood, giving a sense of consideration and friendliness to your personality.

  1. Be diplomatic in conversation

Discussing sensitive or controversial topics could lead to arguments. Choose a safe side in such matters, or simply express that you would not like to talk about the subject. Choose your words carefully to avoid offending or hurting others.

Part 5: Nurturing Inner Femininity

Although looking feminine is important, nurturing your inner femininity is important to embrace your womanhood as well.

  1. Get your body moving

Being healthy is the most meaningful thing you can do for yourself. Working out is a great way to take care of your physical health. You can also sign up for yoga or dance classes for a different approach to traditional exercise.

  1. Balance your energy  

Women are usually busy with daily chores, and managing things at both home and work. However, recognizing your needs is essential for protecting your inner energy. You can look for a wellness center or relevant therapy sessions to balance your energy and foster inner peace.

  1. Spend time with other women

Women need women around them to recharge themselves. No matter how independent you are, you still need feminine energy around you to lose yourself and relax. A simple outing with your friends or inviting them over for tea can massively help change your mood and bring peace to your heart.

Spend time with other women

  1. Treat yourself to some retail therapy

When things are not going your way, go shopping! Getting yourself the dress you’ve always wanted or a necklace that has been on your wishlist is a great way to trigger dopamine and make you feel happier.

  1. Make your self-care a priority

Women are usually expected to prioritize others over themselves. However, being feminine doesn’t mean sacrificing your needs for other people. Make sure you have ample time to do what you love to reduce stress and keep your spirits high.

  1. Book a day for pampering

What better way to destress yourself than a day of pampering? Book an appointment at a spa or gather everything you’d need and pamper yourself at home. Having a day allotted for rest and relaxation is important to maintain your inner health and beauty, nurturing your femininity.

  1. Do things that spark your creativity

A creative woman is an attractive woman. Let your creativity flow and put your ideas to the test. Attend an art workshop or follow a DIY tutorial at home. Try learning a new skill when you have nothing to do to keep your creative flame alive.

  1. Focus on your diet

A well-balanced diet does wonders for your body. Eating healthy is not only good for your physical wellbeing, but also helps make you look youthful and enchanting. Studies show that eating fruits and vegetables also keeps your mind healthy, decreasing the chances of having stress and anxiety.

  1. Embrace your body

No matter how much you work on making yourself attractive, it will all go in vain if you feel insecure about yourself. Getting surgical procedures is fine, but accepting who you are is even better. If you find yourself pretty, so will others around you.

  1. Do it for yourself

In the end, changing yourself to please others is never a good option. If you are on a journey to embrace your femininity, make sure that you are doing so because you want it. The goal is to feel graceful and beautiful to yourself first.


A woman must be graceful, polite, elegant, and soft-spoken to look more feminine. From wearing clothes that make you look attractive to maintaining a confident body language, from your language to how you maintain yourself, your feminine side shows in everything. However, one must remember that embracing their feminine side does not mean being delicate and weak. You need to look sophisticated on the outside but be strong inside. Accept and embrace your inner energy to be more true to yourself and see what can help you bring out your feminine side while staying strong, confident, and comfortable.

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