Everything You Need to Know about Laser Hair Removal Eyebrows

Everything You Need to Know about Laser Hair Removal Eyebrows

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Everything You Need to Know about Laser Hair Removal Eyebrows

If there is one thing that will be most visible on the face, it is the eyebrows. The eyebrow’s shape is an important facial feature that can alter your look significantly. 

While threading and waxing are hair removal methods used for the eyebrows, laser hair removal eyebrows are gaining popularity as it is precise, offer long-lasting results, and have low maintenance. 

In addition to eyebrows, it is one of the top methods for getting rid of a unibrow. However, the safety, side effects, and procedure of using laser around a sensitive area like eyebrows are often concerning to some people. 

So, let us find answers to your concerns related to laser hair removal for eyebrows here.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Can You Do Laser Hair Removal on Eyebrows?

laser hair removal for eyebrowsYou have often heard that eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of the body that must be protected from the radiation of a laser hair removal machine, right? So, is laser hair removal possible on the eyebrows that lie in close approximation to the eyes? 

Multiple case reports suggested that laser hair removal on eyebrows causes injury to the eyes [1]. However, a note-worthy point is that in these cases, the patients either had a history of eye disorder or the eye protection offered by the laser clinician was inappropriate.  

So, you can get laser hair removal on the eyebrows as long as meticulous measures are taken to protect your eyes from the persistent flashes of the laser and your eyes are in the best of their health. On the other hand, the laser can cause irreversible damage to the eyes if eye protection is inadequate. 

Part 2: Laser Hair Removal Eyebrows Side Effects

Laser Hair Removal Eyebrows Side EffectsDo you wonder if laser hair removal is safe? Well, it is but it is recommended to cover the eyes from the upper orbital rim to the lower orbital rim to avoid the side effects of laser. 

Laser can cause side effects on both the eyebrows skin and the eyes if it is done by untrained and poorly-educated clinicians. These side effects are given as

The side effects on the skin around the eyebrows 

The side effects of laser hair removal eyebrows are the same on the skin as those of any other area of the body. These are reported in an informative article by Mayo Clinic and are given as [2]

  • Discomfort and mild pain around the treatment area
  • Redness, skin irritation, and swelling 
  • Irreversible or reversible changes in the skin color
  • Laser burns
  • Blisters, crusts, and scars 

The side effects on the eyebrows

Laser hair removal on the eyebrows is used to give eyebrows a precise shape, make them look symmetrical, and remove the unibrow semi-long-lastingly. However, if not done right, it can lead to

  • Non-symmetrical eyebrows
  • Any flaw in the eyebrow shape that you will have to deal with for many months
  • Incomplete removal of the unibrow 
  • Folliculitis on the hair that has been removed 

The side effects on the eyes 

The most dangerous effect of laser hair removal eyebrows is on the eyes and it can cause, 

  • Severe ocular pain
  • Blurry vision 
  • Temporary loss of vision
  • Refractive errors
  • Conjunctival erythema 
  • Damage to the uveal tract and retina 

These effects have been reported in a study [3]

Part 3: Eyebrow Laser Hair Removal Cost

Factors Influencing the Cost

Eyebrow Laser Hair Removal The laser hair removal on the eyebrows is determined by factors such as,

  • The need for extra pre- and post-care treatment
  • The surface area that needs to be groomed 
  • Location and popularity of the clinic
  • The education and skills of the clinicians
  • Any discount, offer, or promotion

Average Cost

The average cost of laser hair removal on eyebrows by different clinics ranges from $75 to $150 per session and the total cost reaches up to $1000. For example, My Ethos clinic provides sessions at 75 to $125 [4] and the cost of laser hair removal in small areas by Vibrant Skin Bar is around $150 [5]

An Affordable Alternative

If paying $750 to $1000 only for eyebrow laser hair removal seems a lot to you, you can try an affordable alternative like Ulike Sapphire Air3 IPL Hair Removal Device. The intensity, wavelength, and power output of IPL devices are much less as compared to laser making them safe for the eyes. 

Some brands claim that their devices can be used without protective glasses [6]. However, it is recommended to wear glasses to protect the eyes as mentioned in Do’s and Don’ts of IPL Hair Removal

Also, IPL devices flash broad spectrum light and the window is rectangular as compared to the mono-chromatic round window of laser machines. Therefore, you have to be careful while using them.

Part 4: Electrolysis Vs. Laser Hair Removal for Eyebrows

Laser Hair Removal Vs. ElectrolysisAnother long-lasting alternative to laser hair removal for eyebrows is electrolysis. Let us see the comparison of both here.


Laser hair removal is a semi-long-lasting procedure that targets the pigment in the hair by monochromatic light of 700-1400 nm wavelength. On the other hand, electrolysis is a long-lasting process that targets individual hair follicles by a small wire passed into it with an electric current.


The pros of both are given as. 

Electrolysis  Laser hair removal
  • Long-lasting
  • Works for dark and sensitive skin types and light to grey hair colors
  • No harm from the treatment being too close to the eyes
  • Semi-long-lasting
  • Faster sessions
  • Results in fewer treatments 



The disadvantages of both treatments on eyebrows are given as

Electrolysis  Laser hair removal 
  • More painful
  • Time-taking sessions
  • Takes more sessions for the completion 
  • There are no chances of going back as it is long-lasting 
  • Risk of damage to the eyes 
  • Pigmentation and laser burns
  • Does not work for grey hair
  • Might be incompatible with dark skin 

Part 5: Preparing for Eyebrow Laser Hair Removal

Preparing for Eyebrow Laser Hair RemovalAs laser hair removal for eyebrows is a process that can cause potential harm to the eyes, you have to take proper care of its preparation. 


The most important step in getting laser hair removal for eyebrows is being booked at a reputable clinic. In the case reports mentioned above, it was the incompetence of the doctors that led to the damage to the eyes. 

Therefore, it is essential to go to a clinic where people have a good experience of laser hair removal on eyebrows. Also, openly talk to the doctor about your concerns, needs, and queries before deciding on this procedure. 

Tips for Preparation

Furthermore, the tips for preparation of laser hair removal for eyebrows are given as,

  • Stop removing the eyebrow hair from the roots and say goodbye to waxing, threading, and tweezing. You can shave instead.
  • No sun exposure in the eye area including both eyelids and eyebrows. However, it is recommended to wear sunblock on full body and face.
  • Pause the intake of medicines that sensitize your skin to radiation like NSAIDs, antibiotics, or anti-inflammatory drugs. 
  • Stop the use of products that make skin photosensitive like retinols and chemical peels.
  • Keep yourself hydrated and eat a healthy diet.

Part 6: Step-by-Step Process of Eyebrow Laser Hair Removal Session

Step-by-Step Process of Eyebrow Laser Hair Removal SessionThe Procedure of Laser Hair Removal on Eyebrows

The step-by-step guide for laser hair removal on eyebrows is given as

  • All the precautions mentioned above need to be followed at least 2 weeks prior to the treatment.
  • Cleanse your face well, especially your eyebrows before the hair removal session.
  • Take a painkiller if you are hypersensitive to the pain. And the doctor will apply a topical pain-reducing agent to ease the process.
  • The doctor helps you wear eye-protective glasses. Ensure that they cover the full eyelid and are in contact with the skin from the upper rim to the lower rim of the eyes. Any ray that flashes through the glasses can damage the eyes. Therefore, wearing appropriate eye protection is the most important factor in eyebrow hair removal sessions.
  • The doctor marks the shape of the eyebrows carefully and symmetrically. 
  • Then he flashes the laser on the eyebrows and the process is completed in 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Laser hair removal for eyebrows requires 4 to 8 sessions at a distance of 4 to 6 weeks to achieve 99% results. 

Part 7: Aftercare and Recovery for Eyebrow Laser Hair Removal

The after-care of laser hair removal is as important as its pre-care. 

Post-Treatment Aftercare 

Here are some tips to protect, heal, and optimize laser hair removal for eyebrows. 

  • Use room temperature to cold water to wash your face after the treatment
  • Keep your eyes away from the sun. wear big UV-protective goggles when you go out, apply sunblock, and try staying indoors
  • Do not swim, sweat, or expose the skin to hot water and steam for at least 2 days after the treatment
  • Hold on to the use of harsh products and use gentle products for at least 2 days

Side Effects and Their Management

The side effects of laser hair removal are discussed above, here are some tips for management,

  • Apply cold compresses, aloe vera gel, and lightweight moisturizers to soothe the redness, skin irritation, and inflammation
  • Apply a soothing gel to reduce the pain
  • Protect your eyes well in the first place and go to an ophthalmologist in case of any damage to the eyes 

Hair Regrowth and Maintainance Treatment 

Even though the results of laser hair removal last for years, it is not a long-lasting treatment. The hair will grow back in the follicles you have eliminated, and stray hair can sprout as well. 

Therefore, you might need 1 or 2 follow-up sessions each year to keep up with the maintenance. However, each session only takes 15 minutes and it makes laser hair removal worth it. 


Laser hair removal for eyebrows is a little different from hair removal on other areas of the body as it involves the safety of the eyes and the treatment gone wrong can give you long-lasting regrets.

Therefore, some of the ways to ensure that it stays safe for the eyes are consultation with a well-educated professional, deliberate pre-care, and meticulous post-care of the laser hair removal.


  1. Ocular Injury After Laser Hair Reduction Treatment to the Eyebrow. David L. Parver, MD; Robert J. Dreher, MD; Sahar Kohanim. JAMA Ophthalmology. Oct, 2012. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaophthalmology/fullarticle/1377769
  2. Laser Hair Removal: Risks. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/laser-hair-removal/about/pac-20394555
  3. Ocular Injury in Cosmetic Laser Treatments of the Face.Amy Huang, MD, Arianna Phillips, BS, Tony Adar, MD, and Andrea Hui, MD. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. Feb 2018. PubMed. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5843357/
  4. Everything You Need to Know About Eyebrow Laser Hair Removal. Ethos Aesthetics and Wellness. https://www.myethosspa.com/eyebrow-laser-hair-removal/
  5. Laser Hair Removal for Eyebrows: All You Need to Know. Vibrant Skin Bar. https://vibrantskinbar.com/blog/laser-hair-removal-eyebrows/
  6. What to Expect After Laser Hair Removal. Braun. https://us.braun.com/en-us/step-by-step-how-to-use-an-ipl-hair-removal-device-braun-us

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