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30% de descuento para estudiantes
Sin intereses por 6 meses
Fácil, Eficiente, Efectivo
Lleva esa energía suave y fresca contigo en esta temporada de regreso a clases con el Air 10. Nuestro dispositivo IPL de alta calidad te deja suave y sin vello en solo dos semanas. ¡Disfruta de la confianza y comodidad como nunca antes!
Ulike Air 10
Effective Laser Hair Removal for Legs area with Ulike Air 10
Ulike Air 10 (Gifts).
Dual Lights Ulike Air 10
SHR Mode Ulike Air 10
Ice Cooling Technology Ulike Air 10.
Skin Sensor Ulike Air 10
Head to Toe IPL Hair Removal for Woman with Ulike Air 10
Ulike Air 10 (Gifts).
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
How soon for smooth skin with Ulike Air 10
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
files/81386c0a3611fd5fe07a745148267067.svg $80 DE DESCUENTO
Ulike Air 10
Effective Laser Hair Removal for Legs area with Ulike Air 10
Ulike Air 10 (Gifts).
Dual Lights Ulike Air 10
SHR Mode Ulike Air 10
Ice Cooling Technology Ulike Air 10.
Skin Sensor Ulike Air 10
Head to Toe IPL Hair Removal for Woman with Ulike Air 10
Ulike Air 10 (Gifts).
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
How soon for smooth skin with Ulike Air 10
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 10
Nuestro dispositivo IPL insignia te dejará suave y lista para empezar el nuevo año escolar.
  • Reducción del vello del 96% en solo 2 semanas
  • 0
  • Piel suave de larga duración
  • 1
  • Elimina eficazmente los vellos rebeldes
  • 2
  • Sesiones de cuerpo completo en 10 minutos
  • 3
  • Protege tu piel y es casi indoloro
  • 4
*Stock limitado. Disponible solo en EE. UU. y Canadá hasta agotar existencias.
Color: Púrpura*
$100 OFF
Copiar : PODER
Resultados visibles en solo 3 semanas
1-3 semanas
4-8 semanas
9-12 semanas
En menos de 3 semanas de tratamientos consistentes, comenzarás a ver una reducción visible del crecimiento del vello.
Después de 8 semanas de tratamientos quincenales constantes, los folículos pilosos comienzan a encogerse y la raíz del vello comienza a caerse.
La mayoría de las personas habrán logrado los resultados deseados en esta etapa: la piel se volverá suave y sin vello.
*Los resultados específicos varían de persona a persona, y el tiempo de uso se puede extender según el grosor del vello hasta lograr los resultados deseados.
Una piel suave en solo 2 semanas
Prueba el poder del Air 10 y ve resultados increíbles en solo 2 semanas. Dile adiós al vello no deseado y luce una piel suave con toda la confianza, ¡justo a tiempo para la uni!
Zona del bikini
Al aire libre
El doble de luces. El doble de eficiencia.
Con las Luces Duales, el Air 10 te da tratamientos más rápidos y efectivos, y notarás una reducción del vello en solo dos semanas.
fuente de luz
de potencia
Suave pero efectivo
El Air 10 evita quemaduras e irritaciones al mantener una temperatura fresca de 65°F, así que puedes depilarte casi sin dolor, incluso en zonas sensibles como la zona del bikini.
Temperatura de contacto
30 minutos
Duración del tratamiento
Adiós, vello rebelde
El Modo SHR, inspirado en salones de belleza, marca la diferencia al eliminar hasta el vello más grueso y resistente.
el pulso
Energía máxima
Protección inteligente con SkinSensor
Nuestro nuevo SkinSensor detecta el tono de tu piel, ajusta la potencia del tratamiento y para el destello si el área es demasiado oscura para tratar de forma segura. Así, puedes estar libre de preocupaciones y, por supuesto, libre de vello.
Depilación fácil en un instante
El Air 3 viene con el Modo AutoGlide, que emite un destello cada 0.7 segundos sin que tengas que presionar ningún botón. ¡Así, puedes hacerte una depilación de cuerpo completo en solo 12 minutos!
Frío al tacto
El Air 3 viene con nuestro sistema de Enfriamiento de Hielo de Zafiro, que mantiene una temperatura fresca de 65°F durante el tratamiento. Esto protege tu piel de quemaduras y asegura una depilación más efectiva y cómoda.
Abraza la confianza de una piel suave
Conseguir resultados de salón en casa (o en tu dormitorio) nunca ha sido tan fácil. El Air 3 es nuestro dispositivo IPL más popular, te deja la piel suave con toda la comodidad y facilidad que necesitas en tu día a día.
Ulike Air 3 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 3 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 3 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 3 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 3 (Gifts).
Ulike Air 3 (Gifts).
Ulike Air 3 (Gifts).
Ulike Air 3 (Gifts).
Ulike Air 3 (Gifts).
files/81386c0a3611fd5fe07a745148267067.svg $90 de descuento
Ulike Air 3 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 3 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 3 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 3 (Regalos)
Ulike Air 3 (Gifts).
Ulike Air 3 (Gifts).
Ulike Air 3 (Gifts).
Ulike Air 3 (Gifts).
Ulike Air 3 (Gifts).
Como Air 3
Nuestro famoso dispositivo IPL—resultados duraderos a un precio accesible
  • Reducción del vello del 93% en solo 4 semanas
  • 0
  • Piel suave de larga duración
  • 1
  • Sesiones de cuerpo completo en 12 minutos
  • 2
  • Casi indoloro
  • 3
Color: Rosa
$90 de descuento
Copiar : VDIA120
Más barato que las rasuradoras, eficaz como el láser
El IPL conviene
Elige Ulike IPL para una depilación más fácil y económica.
Resultados duraderos
Seguro para la piel y sin irritación
Casi indoloro
Tratamientos rápidos en casa
Costo de por vida
Como Air 3
Depilación con cera
*Gasto promedio en depilación en EE.UU., según American Laser Center
Querido en todo el mundo. Más de 6 millones de usuarios a nivel global.
Nuestra calificación general es de 4.8 sobre 5 estrellas, basada en más de 2,860 reseñas.
"Me encanta Ulike, ¡solo unas semanas y ya veo una gran diferencia! ¡Y es totalmente indoloro!"
"No duele en absoluto y después de unas semanas ha habido una gran diferencia. ¡Definitivamente le diré a mis hermanas que se hagan uno!"
"Escéptica al principio, ¡pero me encanta! ¡Brazos, piernas y axilas, todo perfectamente suave!"
"Después de tres semanas, la línea de mi bikini se ha adelgazado mucho. El vello de mi estómago ya ha desaparecido por completo."
"Totalmente vale la pena. Lo he estado usando durante un mes, un par de veces a la semana, y los resultados han sido geniales. Ahora solo lo uso para retoques."
Respaldado por expertos
“Lo que hace solo unos años era posible solo en una clínica se ha convertido en una opción eficaz y segura que los pacientes pueden realizar desde la comodidad y privacidad de su propio hogar.”
- Dr. Davin Lim
Dermatólogo certificado
“Estoy a punto de combinar los hallazgos más importantes en la investigación sobre fotomedicina con las sólidas capacidades de investigación y desarrollo de Ulike para lograr avances en la industria con productos de belleza avanzados.”
- Profesor MR Hamblin
Asesor científico jefe del grupo Ulike
¿Por qué Ulike?
Envío local gratis
Compra ahora Paga en cuotas
Reembolso dentro de 90 días
2 años de garantía
Soporte 24/7
Based on 4132 reviews
Ulike Air 3
Aj r. (Kansas City, US)
Slows hair growth

I am love if my new product. It has reduced hair growth

Dear Customer,

Thank you so much for your love and support! We truly appreciate the video you shared—it’s always amazing to see real experiences from our customers.

If you ever have any questions or need tips on getting the best results, feel free to reach out. Happy smooth days ahead!

The Ulike Team

Ulike Air 10
Vy N. (Seattle, US)
Highly recommend

I love this machine so much, a little scary when tried first time. But this machine so good, I highly recommend for everyone.

Ulike Air 10
Yuliet C. (Miami, US)
La mejor inversion

Esto está SUPER; nunca pensé que fuera a funcionar tan bien como lo recomendaban. Sin dudas la compraría mil veces más.

Ulike Air 10
Laz N. (Tampa, US)
Is good

The first try i thought i had lost my money after the third try i could notice a significant difference…. Right now i am at my 7th session 80 % of my hair is not growing back and if it does is very thin, definitely recommend this product

Ulike Air 10
M. L. (Fairfield, US)
So far so good!

I’m genuinely surprised at how well this works so far. It hasn’t even been a full month, but I can already see a reduction in hair growth on my underarms and bikini area. I have a lot of thick dark hair that grows pretty quickly so this I’m shocked that I’m already seeing results!

Ulike Air 10
Angie H. (Kent, US)
Ulike 10

I have been using it just for 2 weeks and I already see results. Doesn’t hurt as much as I thought, I don’t regret my purchase

Ulike Air 10
Angela (San Francisco, US)
First time user

I’ve seen this many times on ads and i’m very curious if it really works. I use it right away after receiving and im on my 5th week every other 2 days as instructed. Its does works helps my underarm and legs hair and its not painful like a other laser i experience. I got the pink one by the way.

Dear Customer,

We're glad to hear that you're seeing results and that the treatment has been comfortable for you. Consistency is key, so keep following the recommended usage, and you should continue to see improvements. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out to us. Enjoy your pink device!

Best Regards,
The Ulike Team

Ulike Air 10
JT (Azle, US)
Unfortunately IT WORKS

I was skeptical because there is no way it’s pretty affordable and actually works (because laser hair removal is so expensive) but it does.. I have been doing one leg just as a test and 2 weeks in and it is undeniable.

Ulike Air 10
Persephone D. (Sophia, US)
Works really well

I was worried it would work as well as its been pictured, but after 2 weeks I'm getting noticeable results, though there still a Long way to go

Ulike Air 10
Ronda M. (Detroit, US)
Return buyer

I already have the Ulike 3 and received a decent deal on thd Ulike 10..i love them both.. I gave the Ulike 3 to my daughter and she loves it, as well..

Ulike Air 10
Erin M.M. (Westlake, US)

I've only had this product 3 weeks so far and I am trying to use it every 2 days as instructed, sometimes I miss here and there. I have noticed some hair not re-growing so far. I just need to give it some more time to work and fully see the results. The product itself is nice and easy to use. Hoping to keep the 5 star review in the next couple months to see if this truly will get rid of more hair!

Ulike Air 10
Melanie L. (Philadelphia, US)
Really impressed!

I received my ulike 10 in the mail about a month ago and have been quite consistent with it. I do have really thick and dark hair so it took about 3 weeks for me to really see the transformation but wow I am so glad I bought this! My hair comes in thinner now and patchy and I can’t wait to be completely hairless :) I do only have one complaint and it’s that the cold technology stopped working for me :( . It says that the glass window is suppose to never get hot but mine does and it makes my IPL journey way more uncomfortable. I am not sure if I have a defective unit? Or if I can restart it somehow. I am hoping someone can get back to me on this. But I don’t regret buying this! I know it’s going to change my life and give me the confidence I need

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your feedback! 😊 Regarding the issue you’re experiencing, we recommend letting the device sit for 2-3 minutes after turning it on to check if there is any condensation on the sapphire window.

If you encounter any issues during use, please feel free to reach out to us at support@ulikeglobal.com—our team is always happy to assist you! Additionally, our support team will be reaching out to you via email shortly to follow up on this matter.

We truly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Best regards,
The Ulike Team

Ulike Air 3
Wendy (Fort Lauderdale, US)
Great IPL machine

It works well but it overheats and it feels really warm to the touch. However, it has never really malfunctioned. On the contrary, it’s the best one I’ve tried so far.

Dear Customer,
Thank you for your feedback! When using higher intensity levels or operating the device for 15 to 20 minutes or longer, it's normal for it to generate slightly more heat, especially when covering larger areas like the legs.
We will be sending you an email shortly to assist in verifying whether this is a usage-related concern. Please feel free to reach out if you need any further support—we’re happy to help!
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Best regards,
The Ulike Team

Ulike Air 10
E. (Chicago, US)
Simply the best

I love it. In the first two weeks, I could see my hair disappearing. I'm very happy using my ulike.

Ulike X
Vito M. (Cleveland, US)

I like it so far, haven't used it a lot yet but I feel like this will truly work!

Ulike Air 10
Kat O. (Norwalk, US)
Already notice a difference after 1 week.

I finally bit the bullet and bought a ULike and I am very impressed! My armpits and toes were the first areas I have attempted and after one week I already noticed a huge reduction in hair. Mind you, I am vampire pale and have dark hair so the IPL is great for me. Consistency is necessary when using this IPL, I recommend keeping it somewhere where you can easily access it and incorporate it in to your daily routine every couple of days.

Ulike Air 10
Jessica F. (Portland, US)
Awesome & easy to use

Great product

Ulike Air 10
Susan T. (Kitchener, CA)
I like the concept

Still working on facial hair but it’s a very slow process.

Dear Customer,
Thank you for your feedback! IPL hair removal is a gradual process, and consistent use is key to achieving the best results. If you feel the results are not meeting your expectations, please reach out to us and provide details about your usage—we’d be happy to help optimize your treatment for better effectiveness!
Best regards,
The Ulike Team

Ulike X
Tika N. (Jersey City, US)
Touch up

Perfect for touch up after professional electrolysis. Years after electrolysis, I've noticed little hair reappearing. Ulike is perfect for removing it from home. Highly recommended.

Ulike Air 10
Nathaly S. (The Bronx, US)
Love it!

It works!! I been using it for 2 weeks and my armpits hair are gone!!

Ulike Air 3
TJ (Bristow, US)
Worried the hype was fake

I had been looking at getting this device or one of their other models for a while as I deal with black, coarse facial hair that I had to shave daily and that left me with constant five oclock shadow. I'm internally pretty fine with having facial hair as a woman and I love my body hair but I'd rather not have to deal with it, so I like that IPL isn't a totally permanent solution and requires little upkeep over time. Bought mine at best buy after finally being too frustrated. I was nervous because it seemed like so many of the videos and testimonials online were paid/sponsored and wasn't sure if it would work or if Ulike just had a great marketing campaign.

Within the first couple of weeks I saw little, if any change to my chin/jaw hair on the lowest setting every three days so I changed to twice a week on the second setting. A week or two after that I saw it was definitely working and now I'm nearly down to monthly touch ups on my face, rarely have to shave except a small patch that's harder to zap due to angle. I also use it on my bikini line and my feet with slower but great success.

Its honestly a relief after being so frustrated with my facial hair, I feel like I should have started using it sooner. I don't plan on using this on legs or arms (I'm pretty moderately tattooed anyways) so I'm hoping it will last me a while. I also like that it appears to be dual voltage so I can travel with it if needed.

For reference:
I have black/dark brown body and facial hair and a light/medium skin tone with high contrast between the two.

I never use the glide feature, only manual zaps and I close my eyes in addition to the provided sunglasses. I never use the highest setting and only dry shave both face and body with an eyebrow razor to prevent ingrowns and exfoliate in the shower with a silicone scrub pad. I follow up with rose water on a cotton round. Only rarely does the zapping hurt, like if I'm zapping too quickly or if I didn't shave close enough and it gets a hair.

It might not be right for you but it definitely works for me! Love it

Hi TJ,
Thank you for sharing your experience! We're thrilled to hear that you've seen great results and that our device has helped make hair removal more manageable for you.

A quick tip: when shaving before treatment, we recommend shaving in the direction of hair growth to help reduce ingrown hairs.

We appreciate your support and hope you continue to enjoy using it!

Best regards,
The Ulike Team

Ulike Air 10
Hope H. (Mansfield, US)
Cooling Feature is a game changer!

The cooling feature is seriously a game changer! Highly recommend to spend a little extra and get this one. You won’t regret it!

Ulike Air 10
Bee G. (Antioch, US)
Great results

I was skeptical when I ordered this product. Within a few treatments it has slowed and removed my stubborn hair. Well worth the investment fir myself and my daughter.

Ulike Air 10
Rocio V. (Ashburn, US)
Si Funciona! Me Fascina :)

Me compre este aparato pensando en el ahorro de dinero que podria tener, la comodidad de hacerlo en casa, y a mi no me gusta ir a hacer la cera bikini porque no me gusta que me vean las partes intimas… He quedaado MUY CONTENTA ESTE METODO FUNCIONA A LA PERFECCION recien llevo haciendolo 2 semanas y mis vellos estan creciendo mas delgados LO RECOMIENDO! Como latina que siempre sufrimos de la crecida de cabello tan abundante AMO ESTE PRODUCTO Recomendado

Ulike Air 10
MisRaiders (Lake Elsinore, US)
Gives results really fast

I’m very happy with my Pink Ulike Air 10, the result are really good. My skin feels so soft. Thank you Ulike!