How Long Does it Take to See Results from IPL Hair Removal?

How Long Does it Take to See Results from IPL Hair Removal?

Why Do You Need to Use an IPL Device After Laser Hair Removal?

Whether you are a first-time IPL user or you’ve spent some years enjoying this hair removal technique, there’s no denying the fact that you’re concerned about the time your favorite method will deliver the promised results. If possible, most people who subscribe to a hair removal method would want immediate action. However, it’s common knowledge that IPL takes time to get rid of unwanted body hair.

Unlike shaving which cuts hair close to the skin or waxing that uproots, IPL depends on a beam of light penetrating the skin and hitting hair follicles. Upon coming in contact with the melanin in the follicles, it disrupts the hair growth phase or cycle, causing the hair shaft to fall off and preventing further growth. All of these things take time, and several variables can either elongate or shorten this time. Some of these variables are devices-based while others are specific to individuals.

The exact days or weeks an IPL device will take to remove your objectionable body hair depends on three factors. In this article, we will examine these factors and how you can skillfully use them to your advantage. Let’s begin.

3 Factors That Determine How Long IPL Treatment Will Take to Produce Results

3 Factors That Determine How Long IPL Treatment Will Take to Produce Results1. The Maximum Energy Output of the Device

The energy output of an IPL represents the strength of the light beams that emanate from it. And as you can expect, the greater this energy, the faster the removal will proceed. Of course, going by this reasoning, all IPL brands should have jacked up their energy output but doing so comes with a disadvantage.

A higher energy output can spell doom for the skin, causing side effects like hyperpigmentation, skin burns, redness, and other issues if the IPL does not have cooling tech. Even with a cooling tech in place, such high-energy lights must be used sparingly.

Not all IPL-producing brands have all these provisions in place. What many do is opt for a baseline that works for most people with minimal risks. Ulike Air 10 has been able to set its device’s maximum energy output to 26 joules per four pulses. Even with this output, the user is safe because of its patented Sapphire Ice-Cooling technology that keeps the treatment session bearable.

Thanks to this impressive energy output, you can achieve your hair removal goal with Ulike Air 10 within 1-2 weeks. With other devices from other brands or even from Ulike, this timeframe can increase to 2-4 weeks.

2.    Hair Texture

Even when you have the best IPL device with a maximum energy output of 26 joules or more, your result timeline may also be subject to your hair texture. As it goes, IPL works best on thick, coarse hair. If yours is fine, sparse, and short, you might wait longer to see a significant reduction or removal.

The reason for this elongated timeline is that fine, sparse hair is often an indicator of low melanin content. And with a low melanin, the effectiveness of IPL becomes reduced.

3.    Hair and Skin Color Contrasts

IPL works best when there’s a marked contrast between your skin and hair color. As it goes, people with dark hair and fair skin benefit the most from this technique. As such, if your skin is dark and your hair is also dark, IPL will not work for you. Similarly, if you’ve got blonde hair and fair skin, IPL will either be very slow or not work for you.

In short, dark hair and fair skin are the best combinations for IPL hair removal. The further you are from this standard, the longer the result timeline or even the effectiveness of this method for you. For instance, if your hair is slightly dark and you’ve got a light skin tone, you may wait longer to see results than someone with a perfect skin/hair tone contrast.

Bottom Line

How long you would wait before seeing satisfactory results from an IPL hair treatment regimen is primarily a function of the device. Different brands produce IPL devices, and not all of them come with the same strength and capability.

If you purchase the Ulike’s Air 10 IPL handset, which has double lights, SHR mode, and an impressive 26 joules of maximum output energy, you can expect to start seeing results as early as a week.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I combine IPL with other hair removal methods to speed things up?

You would normally have to shave your long bushy hair before using an IPL device. If you don’t, the lights will not get to where they should, and you may not witness any results. As such, shaving and IPL are two removal methods that go hand-in-hand for a quick outcome. Besides this, it’s safe to say that IPL itself is a sufficient standalone method that may not be compatible or safe if combined with other techniques of hair removal such as waxing, sugaring, and others.

How do I know if my skin is IPL-compatible?

How do I know if my skin is IPL-compatible

It’s critical you ensure that your skin and hair tones are IPL-compatible before you proceed to use this method. That’s important for two reasons; first, it makes the method safe for you, and second, you can be sure you aren’t wasting your time, energy, and money.

All IPL brands will typically include a chart on their product to guide buyers on compatibility issues. Some premium ones like Ulike Air 10 have smart skin sensors that read your skin tones and match them with the suitable energy intensity of your device to ensure that you’re safe.

Can IPL cause cancer?

The lights from IPL, if used moderately as prescribed, are safe and do not cause cancer. Several independent checks by clinicians and scientists have affirmed that this light-based hair removal method is safe for at-home use.

What are the risks involved in using IPL?

What are the risks involved in using IPLIf there’s any risk associated with using IPL, it’s connected with its inappropriate use. For instance, if you use it more than it’s recommended, you can come down with skin burns, irritations, and hyperpigmentation. If you also set it at a higher frequency than your skin can tolerate, you can also experience these things. Save for misuse in this sense, IPL is largely safe with minimal risks.

Can people with sensitive skin use IPL?

Not all IPL devices are suitable for use on sensitive skin. As such, it’s important that you check your preferred choice and be sure it combines well with your skin type. The main challenge is that sensitive skin can get irritated with even minute heat. However, if you have an IPL device with cooling technology such as the Ulike Air 10, you can safely use it on your sensitive skin or body parts.

Is the IPL expensive?

In the short run, IPL can be pocket-demanding when compared with other methods like shaving, trimming, sugaring, and waxing. However, thinking long term, this method is arguably the smartest way to save money when it comes to hair removal. For most devices, a single purchase is what you need for a lifetime, and once you start seeing results, you can take a hair break for up to six months.

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