Can You Have Sex After Laser Hair Removal?

Can You Have Sex After Laser Hair Removal?

Can Have Sex After Laser Hair Removal

Have you finally eaten that frog after months of thoughtful contemplation? If yes, you deserve some accolades! Laser hair removal requires time and money, and your decision to commit to whatever it takes can only demonstrate your resolve to end those annoying furs.

If you’ve just had a Brazilian laser treatment, you may wish to get clarifications on the appropriateness of intimacy right after the procedure. Will it be right, especially as a woman, to resume pelvic exercise after going through the lights?

The popular answer you will get via Google is that you can start having sex after 24 hours. However, in reality, a person typically needs more than 24 hours after a Brazilian laser before they can fully resume pelvic activities. That’s because of the sensation and tenderness that persist long after the laser session has ended. Besides, the risk of infection is high if you resume bedroom activities immediately. 

However, since lasers are different and people react to procedures differently, it’s best to ask your service provider the recommended time before resuming sexual activities. But even at that, sex is not advised immediately after a laser session.

Before we look at the things that can go wrong if you resume your sexual life immediately after a Brazilian laser, let’s first consider this hair removal method and how it works.

Table of Contents:

How Laser Hair Removal Works

Laser hair removal works on a principle known as selective photothermolysis. OK. Does that sound technical to you? Here is what it means. The “selective” part means this procedure is hyper-focussed on the intended target, not surrounding tissues. Photo means light, and “lysis” means breaking down a thing.

Putting all these words together, it means that lasers work with a set of highly focused, concentrated beams of light that, upon hitting its target, causes it to break down. The target is melanin, and when the light hits it,  heat is generated that destroys or alters the hair follicles. This destruction or alteration eventually delays or stops further hair growth, depending on the degree of impact.

Usually, laser hair removal is best for people with light skin and dark hair. That’s because they tend to have sufficient melanin that absorbs the laser hair. Individuals with white, gray, or blonde hair colors hardly benefit much from this method. However, modern improvements in laser technology have broadened the scope, making even people with dark skin and fair hair eligible for the technique.

Laser Hair Removal: The Procedure Proper

Brazilian laser treatment as used in this article means a laser treatment around the genitals. It doesn’t mean the provider is Brazilian or the process only occurs in Brazil. Done carefully, this technique can provide a long-term holiday in your pubic region or elsewhere in the body.

That said, it is instructive to note that while there are at-home laser devices that you can use, you will only get the best results when you visit a technician or doctor for the procedure. That means you need to book an appointment and discuss with the provider on the modalities. Laser treatments usually require multiple sessions before you can smell the results you cherish.

When all clarifications have been made, the person carrying out the technique will ask you to sit or lie on a table, depending on the body part you’re working on. For Brazilian lasers, you will lie on your back while they prepare to work. You will typically be asked to shun waxing at least two weeks before you have a laser treatment but shaving is allowed.

The next thing your doctor or technician will probably do is to apply topical anesthesia. Some experienced people or regular laser users may not need this process. After this stage, the next step is to protect yourself maximally. What many centers do is to provide eye goggles and appropriate coverings to safeguard your privacy. Some will also apply a cold gel to ensure that areas unintended to be reached are not reached.

Once everything is set, the laser application begins in full course. They will normally use a handheld device connected to an electric source to pass the beams into your skin. While this goes on, you’re likely going to feel some tingling, rubber-like tappings on your skin. If you subscribe to the anesthesia, the effect may be minimal or non-existent.

Once the first session ends, the provider will carry out some post-treatment procedures and tell you what you can and cannot do to help your skin recuperate faster. It’s at this stage or even earlier that you can ask how long to abstain from sex after the laser treatment. They are most likely to have the most accurate answer to this question based on the light used.

Possible Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal 

If everything is done correctly, the risks of laser hair removal are minimal. However, despite these, there are certain things you must know can happen even when being attended to by the best hands and equipment. These include

  • Skin irritation in the form of redness, discomfort, or swelling
  • Change in the skin’s pigmentation and texture
  • Scarring
  • Excessive hair growth in the treated area
  • Blisters and clustering if you expose the treated area prematurely to the sun.

It’s critical to re-emphasize that these risks are temporary, and may not be severe if you adhere to your specialist’s instructions. One such instruction may include abstaining from sex for a few days or hours after the procedure.

IPL: An Alternative to Laser Hair Treatment

Another light-based hair removal technology that you can use in place of laser hair treatment is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). It’s slightly different than a laser in that its light is not so specific and can affect surrounding tissues that aren’t intended, although not negatively. The fact that IPL isn’t as focused as the laser may also mean that the results timeline may be different. In other words, it’s possible that a well-done laser procedure can quickly get you the hairless results you want than an IPL.

However, here is why IPL may be a better option than lasers if viewed holistically.

  • Cost: IPL is up to five times cheaper than laser, and here is how. You need only a single purchase of a premium IPL device like Ulike Air 10 to last you your adult lifetime. For this, you’ll only be parting with $350 or less. You don’t even need to purchase anything else apart from it because it has a razor, bag, and a protective goggle. However, for laser, your payment depends on the surface area you’re dealing with and the number of sessions needed. Given these, you can spend up to $3,000 or more using lasers on your lower body parts, for instance.
  • Privacy: You need a third party to help with laser treatment. This means that they will have access to your body, and you have to comply if you need help. However, with IPL, you can do everything in your room. IPL devices are generally safe for home use.
  • Convenience: Appointments are not usually convenient for most people with working engagements. Sometimes, your preferred day and time may be out of reach. But if you insist on having a laser treatment, you have little control over this issue, as you will have to comply. IPL takes away this stress as you can do everything in your room.
  • Results: With premium IPL devices taking center stage these days, the performance line between them and lasers is becoming thin. That is, both methods produce almost the same results at not-too-divergent timelines. For instance, the new Ulike Air 10 IPL  handset with SHR mode and dual lights functionality starts producing visible results in as early as two weeks.

Ulike Air 10 IPL Hair Removal Device: The Solution to At-Home Hair Removal

With Ulike, IPL hair removal keeps getting better. The new device is in a class of its own, with features unavailable in other top brand competitors. These features include:

  • Dual lights for faster and more effective results
  • Maximum energy outputs are now up to 21J to address those stubborn furs
  • SHR mode and skin sensor for maximum safety
  • Next-gen cooling for a nearly painless experience
  • Excellent matte finish and box content details.

With all these features, the price is among the lowest in its category. It’s a must-have for anyone seeking convenience and excellent hair removal.

Most valuable IPL device which you can buy Today.


You can’t resume sexual activities immediately after a Brazilian laser treatment. The least you can wait is 24 hours, although practically, you need more time for recovery before bedroom activities can resume.

If you don’t like this restriction, you can opt for a close alternative: IPL. In many ways, as highlighted in this article, IPL beats laser; on top of them all, it doesn’t prevent you from enjoying the warmth of the other room. You can enjoy all the IPL benefits mentioned if you purchase a premium one like the Ulike Air 10 IPL Hair Removal Device.

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