Can You Tweeze Bikini Line? Tips, Pros, and Cons
intense pulsed light

Can You Tweeze Bikini Line? Tips, Pros, and Cons

Although most women know that bikini line hairs prevent dirt and dust from going down there, they prefer to leave their bikini line as hairless as possible, and I can’t blame them for wanting ...
Can You Have Sex After Laser Hair Removal?
intense pulsed light

Can You Have Sex After Laser Hair Removal?

Have you finally eaten that frog after months of thoughtful contemplation? If yes, you deserve some accolades! Laser hair removal requires time and money, and your decision to commit to whatev...
Hair Removal 101: Is IPL OK During Pregnancy at Home?

Hair Removal 101: Is IPL OK During Pregnancy at Home?

This article will explore how pregnancy can impact the hair cycle on the body and how the IPL hair removal method works, to understand if it’s safe to use IPL during pregnancy and breastfeedin...
How to Make Your Leg Hair Thinner and Lighter?
intense pulsed light

How to Make Your Leg Hair Thinner and Lighter?

It’s not particularly fashionable to have your legs populated by thick dark hairs, especially if you are a female. Men can still flaunt this as a show of masculinity, but it’s a complete turn-...
My Laser Hair Removal Experience: Have I ever regreted?
intense pulsed light

My Laser Hair Removal Experience: Have I ever regreted?

Have I ever regretted having a laser hair removal treatment?” It’s no secret that the answer is no. I know from my personal experience that no one likes to go through something that they don’t...
IPL Hair Removal Treatments Contraindications, You Should Know!
intense pulsed light

IPL Hair Removal Treatments Contraindications, You Should Know!

As a cosmetic device, Intense Pulsed Light (1) hair removal discovers and eliminates unwanted hair in the face, armpits, legs, and beyond. It eliminates without causing harm to the skin by em...
5 Negative Effects of Waxing Pubic Hair and How to Avoid Them
intense pulsed light

5 Negative Effects of Waxing Pubic Hair and How to Avoid Them

Let’s not try to sugarcoat it; waxing is not for the faint-hearted. The approach may be more effective and long-lasting than shaving or other traditional hair removal methods, but it isn’t ...
Laser Hair Removal Guide: Everything You Need to Kown!
intense pulsed light

Laser Hair Removal Guide: Everything You Need to Kown!

Although rare, some women grow hair in men-like patterns. This means they grow hair on their face, chest, legs, and even hands. While it may appear very little in some women, hair growth can b...