Threading Facial Hair: Benefits, Side Effects, Kits and More

Threading Facial Hair: Benefits, Side Effects, Kits and More

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Threading Facial Hair

While men pride themselves on the mass of hair they carry on their faces, the growth of even a few strands on women’s faces can be a source of discomfort. So you can imagine what women who grow lots of facial hair have to put up with.

Facial hair sometimes makes the skin look darker, especially around the upper lips. They get in the way of beauty care products and affect many women’s opinions on their looks. So, if you want to get rid of your facial hair, we are solidly behind you.

We want to share a method of removing facial hair without applying any chemical substance or exposing your delicate skin to laser and sharp objects. Let’s talk about the threading of facial hair, a natural way of removing facial hair that has been practiced for ages.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: What is Threading?

What is Threading

Threading is the ageless method of removing hair with twisted threads. This method pulls the hair out from the root, minimizing hair growth. The sweet part of threading is that it is one of the safest and cheapest methods of removing facial hair.

Threading may require a little practice for first-time threaders. But if you do not have time for a bit of practice, there are threading handset devices that you can use to remove hair faster and achieve the same result as someone who has mastered the DIY act of threading.

Part 2: Benefits of Threading 

Are you wondering why people resort to threading to remove their facial hair? Here is the gist: people go for threading because of its following benefits;

  • It lasts long: Unless you fancy going for hair removal all the time, you need a method that will give you a reasonable hair break. Fortunately, threading has the reputation of keeping the threaded parts hairless for many weeks.
  • Faster: This approach is a lot faster than tweezing. So the next time you think of tweezing, and you don’t have much time, just ditch it for threading.
  • Easy on the Skin: When you thread, you pull hair out from its root without pulling or damaging your skin.
  • Precise: When you want to give your eyebrow a definite shape, threading is your sure plug. It pulls out only the particular strands you want it to.
  • Safe: Threading is a good choice when you want to take a break from all the cosmetic chemicals that may be secretly harmful to you.
  • Thoroughness: While using other methods like tweezing, your fine hairs will be spared. However, threading pulls out even the finest hair, leaving your skin smooth.
  • Low risk of injury: With this method, there is zero worry of getting slashed by a shaving blade.
  • May Long-lastingly Weaken Hair Follicles: Constant threading weakens your hair follicle. If done constantly for long, you may not experience hair growth in that area again.
  • Inexpensive: You just need to have a thread at home or get a threading device. Whoever way, you won’t need to break a bank or eat deep into your savings to purchase one.

But just in case you cannot thread or want something faster than threading. You can use Ulike Sapphire Air 3 IPL to achieve your desired smooth and hairless face in safety. The handset is not only effective; it is FDA-cleared for safety and guarantees hairlessness in 90 days, or you get your money back. Its Sapphire ice-cooling tech makes it cool and nearly painless on the face and other sensitive body parts.

Part 3: Side Effects of Threading Facial Hair

Although threading is natural and does not involve using any harsh substance on the skin, one cannot ignore the fact that there are always two sides to every coin in life.

And for threading, its other side exists because there are different skin types. What works on skin A may irritate skin B. So, on that note, let’s dive into the possible side effects of threading facial hair.

  • Slight Pain: Many people say that threading is not painful, but for people with sensitive skin, it might sting just a little bit. If you have zero tolerance for pain, you might want to check out other nearly painless methods.
  • Redness: Threading can make the skin red if the thread is used harshly. This is why you need to leave threading for experts if you haven’t mastered it.
  • Harmful on Damaged Skin: When used on parts of the body with acne, it can damage the skin.
  • It requires careful stretching of the skin. If the skin is not stretched, the thread may cut into the skin.

Part 4: Threading Facial Hair Before and After

Threading leaves your skin looking clean and silky. Little wonder it is trendy in the Middle East and Asia.

Threading Facial Hair Before and After

Part 5: Step-by-step Guide to Threading Facial Hair

Here are the easy-to-follow steps to achieve smooth and hairless skin on your face through DIY threading.

Step 1

Cut a thin thread about 30 cm long and fold in half. Tie the two ends together to make a loop.

Step 2

Put your two hands against the ends of the loop. With your palms facing each other and pointing upward and the back of your fingers directly on the ends of the loop, rotate one hand clockwise 5-6 times and turn the second hand anti-clockwise 5-6 times too. This will create the needed series of twists of threads in the middle of the loop.

Step 3

Hold each loop end with your thumb and index finger and place the middle of the circle with twists on your skin—the part you want to thread.

Step 4

Open the fingers on one hand to expand the loop on that hand. This will cause the twisted part of the threads in the middle to have a sliding movement that grips and pulls out hair. To achieve better results, move in the direction opposite the direction of your hair growth.

Step 5

Remove the thread from your skin and open the fingers on the other hand. This will help to expand the loop on that hand and restore the twists to the middle. Once you do this, repeat step 4 till all the hair has been threaded.

Step 6

Now that you have threaded your facial hair apply a moisturizing cream or oil.

Part 6: Home Remedy Alternatives to Threading Facial Hair

There are other natural ways of removing facial hair safely without threading, such as the use of home remedies for facial hair. These include the following;

Sugar and Honey

Mix a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of sugar, add a teaspoon of water, and mix too. The sugar will not dissolve immediately, so you can leave it for a little while or apply heat for a minute to dissolve the sugar. (You can use a tablespoon for your measurement, depending on how big the area is).

Next, apply the paste on the area you want to remove hair and place a cotton fabric on it. Leave it on the surface for a little while and peel off the material at once. Peel in the opposite direction to that of hair growth. The sugar will exfoliate your skin, while the honey will nourish and heal it.

Oatmeal and Banana

Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal and half of a ripe banana to make a paste. Rub the paste on your skin generously in circular motions and leave it for about 20 minutes. Wash off the paste with clean water. This removes facial hair and exfoliates the skin.

Pawpaw and Turmeric

Get a slice of ripe pawpaw and mash it, add a spoonful of turmeric, and mix well to form a paste. Apply generously on your skin and massage for two minutes. Leave the paste on the skin for another 20 minutes and use warm water to wash it off.

The papain in the pawpaw will remove your facial hair, while the turmeric will lighten and make your skin glow.

Sugar and Lemon

Add lemon juice to two spoonfuls of sugar and mix till you get a granular paste. Apply and massage the paste into the place you do not want hair for two minutes. Leave it on the skin for another 15 minutes and use warm water to wash it off.

Lemon juice gives your skin a natural glow, while the sugar will help to remove the hair.

Flour and Rose Water

Mix a tablespoon of gram flour and a tablespoon of rose water. For the best result, add half a tablespoon of lime juice and mix well to obtain a paste. Apply it on your skin and allow it to dry; use your fingers to rub the dried paste off your face.

This combination inhibits the growth of hair, and repeating it up to 3 times a week will ensure maximum results.

Part 7: Best Facial Hair Threading Kits

We understand why so many people do not want to try threading. Threading can get tricky at times, and if you have not mastered it, your skin may pay dearly for it. This is why we want to introduce a list of the best threading kits today.

To help you thread your facial hair like an expert, here are the best devices;

1. Waycom Ladies Facial Hair Remover

Waycom Ladies Facial Hair Remover

Like the ancient Chinese practice of removing facial hair with thread, Waycom has a system that manipulates cotton threads to remove hair. This machine has no chemical or sharp blade, making it very safe for your face. Its ergonomic butterfly shape ensures it does not slide off your hand despite being built with smooth stainless steel.

2. Yunai hair remover rechargeable threader

Yunai hair remover rechargeable threader

It may look small and aesthetically fragile, but make no mistake, Yunai is one of the strongest threaders in the market today. It helps to remove facial hair down to the finest ones, and it is compatible with a skin type. Its soft light shines on the skin, illuminating the fine hair for you to thread.

3. Slique Manually Threading Epilator

Slique Manually Threading Epilator

Threading has been made easy even without a power supply. This manual threader will help you to thread your facial hair even in places without power supplies, like camps. It is also portable and lightweight so that it can follow you to any place in your pulse.

The only thing to note is that since it does not use electricity, you will need to support it with hand movements.

4. Ladybug Electric Hair Remover Epilator

Ladybug Electric Hair Remover Epilator

This electric epilator is known to offer results lasting up to 6 weeks. It is cordless and rechargeable. Ladybugs can also be used to cover larger areas in the body.

5. Kapmore Threader Facial Epilator

Kapmore Threader Facial Epilator

Kapmore is a manual threader that uses spring instead of cotton to remove hair. It is portable and easy to use. Its unique design is ergonomic.


Is Threading Good for Facial Hair?

Yes. Threading is not just good for facial hair; it is also a safe method of removing it.

Does Threading Reduce Facial Hair?

Yes. Continuous threading has helped to reduce facial hair in so many people.

How Long Does Facial Hair Threading Last?

For some people, it lasts for just two weeks and as long as six weeks. It all depends on the individual.


Nowadays, many skin care products are manufactured with chemicals that may irritate the skin. The decision to thread is not just an aesthetic one but also a safety measure because even home remedies for facial hair can irritate some people’s skin.

Nevertheless, if you cannot cope with the slight stinging that comes with threading, you can use the Ulike Sapphire Air 3 IPL Hair Removal Handset to achieve the same aim.

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